Chapter 61: 16

"Yun'er you've broke through Martial King when." asked Xiao Tian

"I had already had enough energy to breakthrough to Martial Warrior from the time Master made the pill for you. Because the pill was made with divine energy I had enough to advance but Master had sealed my cultivation so as to not mess my foundation more. After taking the Rebirth pill my body could hold an immense amount of energy which was wasted space before. And finally the bloodline being so powerful made several whirlpools of energy which I later absorbed making me breakthrough up to Martial King." said Yun'er


After explaining her circumstances to the rest of the people she wiped the sword to get rid of the blood and went back to Yan'ers side.

"Here Master" said Yun'er as she tried handing the sword back

"Keep it it's tailor made for you it's a Peak Tier 10 Treasure named 'Mythical Azure Sword' it's made out of the strongest metal here in the mortal realm named Mythril and also your blood hence the name. Since it's made with your blood it's bonded to you and only you for life. If you ever want to upgrade it I'll help you once we reach the divine realm." said Yan'er

The elders and Xiao Tian gasped at the revelation as they didn't think Yan'er would just give this Sword to Yun'er so easily but once he heard it was made with her blood then he knew it was made specifically with her in mind.

Wanting to divert attention Xiao Tian changed the subject and asked, "Fairy Yu what do you plan to do now that you've helped Yun'er here."

"Well I don't have anything particularly planned I just want to relax until we leave. After all there's not much to do until we leave tomorrow." said Yan'er

"Well I was wondering if you had any experience in formations as I had wanted to enlist your help fixing our old formation. I know this is a shameful request considering how much you've already helped us but I wish to restore my sect to its peak." said Xiao Tian

"Hmm I do have some experience. But I don't think this specific formation can handle much more abuse so I'll help you." said Yan'er

"Then I think you in advance." said Xiao Tian

"Actually I'll just make a new formation. It'll protect your Sect from attacks of up to immortal realm practitioners, not that you'll face a lot maybe you'll never see one but still better than your current beat up one." said Yan'er

"But Fairy Yu I don't wish to overextend on your kindness please don't waste such precious things on our lowly sect." said Xiao Tian trying to desuade Yan'er from wasting more resources on them

"Hmph you take me to lightly this formation is to cheap to create it'll be but a slight effort on my part. Plus this formation can be made in less than a day so I'll be able to make it." said Yan'er whilst glaring at Xiao Tian

"Then I'll follow Fairy Yu's advice regarding this matter." said Xiao Tian while dripping sweat from his forehead

He couldn't help but think of Yan'er as one of those stubborn children who want you to what they want.

Admittedly she was acting like a child but she didn't are she didn't want him to refuse.

"Good" said Yan'er whilst putting a victorious smile

The elders and Yun'er started sweating at this. Zhao Meng was curious and admittedly wanted to know Yan'ers age as he asked, "Fairy Yu if I may be bold enough I was wonder what you age is."

"Zhao Meng!!" yelled Xiao Tian

"It's alright I don't mind. I'm actually 16 years old I'll be 17 in March 21." said Yan'er

"HUUUH" - All