Chapter 67: Speculation

After Minghai left Long Zhen turned around and said, "Keep him on a tight watch if he courts death make sure to let those women know that he's not part of our family. I won't have him destroying our ten thousand year foundation on some petty lust."

After speaking a shadow disappeared signifying acknowledgment.

'Haaah I'm to old for this. Perhaps these women could help this old man with his illness.' thought Long Zhen


(A/N: This is set after Yan'er left from her place of Ascension.)

- Flower Realm

Within the Flower Realm where Yan'er ascended 5 girls could be seen together.

"Senior Sister Fay was that the dragon that caused the phenomenon." asked one of the girls

"Yes I believe so from what I can deduce it has to be someone desending. I mean didn't you all feel the Aura she exuded. That couldn't have possibly come from the Mortal Realm. And those eyes I mean i felt fear looking at those eyes. Just by looking at the situation it seems a dragon from the God Realm has come." said Lin Fay

"But what do you think it's come down for." asked another girl

"That I wouldn't be able to answer you. But I can make some assumptions maybe there's something she wants from here or maybe someone." said Ling Fay

The other girls wanted to speak but were interrupted by a flying person. Lin Fay seeing this person bowed while saying, "Greetings Ancestor."

Seeing their senior bowing in respect the other hurriedly did the same.

"En, you may raise your heads. Fay girl what happened here that caused this commotion." asked the Ancestor

"Reporting to Ancestor the thing you speak of is most likely a descending person or dragon." said Lin Fay

"Ohh a dragon, that explains the roar but how is possible that you didn't get detected." asked the Ancestor

"Reporting she seemed to be preoccupied with something. It seemed as if she was pondering something so she may have not payed us any mind. Though she did seem to be in a hurry." said Lin Fay

"Hmm what can you describe about her." asked the Ancestor

"Well her appearance is that of a voluptuous white haired women or maybe goddess. She was about 2 meters tall With two black horns which bended into a crown and had a beautiful white attire with several magatama around the collar and end of her sleeves as well as 9 on the back in form of a square. The dress or should I say treasure is at least and immortal object. She also had 2 katanas as long as her height which I couldn't measure. But I'd say they are at least Exalted or maybe even above that." said Lin Fay

"Ohh also her dragon form was massive she was at least 5000 km in length and about a third in height. She had two pairs of wings and her scales were black with a rainbow colored gleam." said Lin Fay as she described Yan'er

"That's a massive dragon maybe your assumption isn't wrong. Well we'll keep this matter secret for now. Also I want you to come back with me before anyone else from the other powers come." said the Ancestor

"Ancestor, I nearly forgot the most important part." said Lin Fay

"Ohh speak" said the Ancestor

"Yes, when she arrived it seemed as if heaven was about to stoke her with Tribulation. But it instead turned into a massive lightning figure which then bowed to her." said Lin Fay

"Hmm this is tricky we may have to go back to check with our Sect's contact in the God's Realm to give us some insight on this." said the Ancestor