Chapter 70: Eternal City

Some of her features when in dragon from had become more defined. Her cheeks which were puffed up had become more suctioned closely sticking to her cheek bones. Her overall figure was slimmer than a male dragon.

(A/N: For those who live under a rock or don't know the Metric System a Megameter(Mm) is 1000 kilometers(km))

She chose to hide among the clouds to avoid anyone from seeing her as she was a dragon.

Due to her be size the trip would take a couple hours.


After traveling an couple thousand kilometers Yan'er had made it within view of the city. Seeing as she was close she descended while shrinking until she reached the ground after which she turned into her human form.

Using her raw speed she sped towards the entrance of the city.

After reaching the entrance the guards who seemed to be sect members stopped her.

The guards seeing as she was dressed so luxuriously became respectful and said while bowing, " Esteemed cultivator May we please no your intentions for entering our city."

Yan'er of course as always wore a hood to cover most of her face and horns so she seemed suspicious seeing as their question was sensible she responded, "I just passing by no need to be on guard I mean no harm for you City or Sect."

Seeing as she was not lying the guards bowed and said, "Then please enjoy your time within the city."

"En" said Yan'er as she crossed the gate and went to the center of the city

Walking through the city Yan'er saw a lot of the same things as she saw within the mortal realm. The only difference was that most of not all people were dressed somewhat decently. What she did notice is that there was more spiritual forgers and Alchemist. There was even an alchemist guild.

Yan'er who had an interest in this alchemy guild she asked Yue'er, 'What is this guild all about.'

[The Divine Realm has several Factions those of Alchemy and Forgery alike. The two main Factions are the Alchemy Tower and the Weapon Sanctuary. They have rankings within their ranks they are in form of badges. As you can see that alchemist in front of you has a sliver black badge on that black badge there are 1 Star. This means he is a Low Rank Immortal alchemist. 4 stars signifies a peak alchemist within his realm. For celestial the badge is sliver following the same rules. For Exalted the badge is gold and the same as the rest when it comes to stars. Lastly for Exalted God the badge is diamond this is the highest of badges and represents a major power by themselves.]

'Hmm is the power affiliated with any territory.' asked Yan'er

[No they are neutral those who join the faction also have to be impartial to those of races different then their's of course they believe in money more than anything so that really doesn't concern them at all. Of course to join them you also have to be impartial.]

'Hmm if that's the case how can I join this alchemy Guild.' asked Yan'er

[That's simple you just have to join this guild from any subsidiary. This guild in front of you is part of the Alchemy Tower. The only thing you have to do is ask to join and they'll immediately test your qualifications. Then they'll give you an appropriate badge.]

'If that's the case I'll take the test with a Celestial pill this way I can gain a foothold within this divine realm. After a while I'll climb the ranks and that'll assure I have a somewhat smooth road until I ascend once again."