Chapter 77: Sect Destruction

[Simple just pull out your Loyalty tab out while you send him mental pulse the he should pop up as a confirmation on your tab so as to see if you wish to add him to the tab.]

'Thanks' said Yan'er as she stopped once more outside the Eternal Sect

Due to her being in the air she had attracted quite an audience and because her speed released several barrier breaking sounds the citizens were alarmed.

While in the air Yan'er opened her mouth as she augmented her voice with her dragon roar, "ETERNAL SECT COME MEET YOUR MAKER."


Having called the Eternal Sect out All the crowd that had come to watch started gathering in numbers so as to get a view of the action.

After about a minute an old voice spoke, "Who dares to be so brazen to provoke us."

Once the voice said that an old man appeared about 20 meters from Yan'ers location.

"Was it you who dares to provoke us." said the old Man

"Yeah it was me what about it I came for your Sect's young Master if you comply then I won't take this any further." said Yan'er

"Hmph and what does my grandson have to do with you. If there's any problems then I can handle them." said Yan'er

"Old Man trust me I have no problems with you but it's your young master who has made and old man suffer after killing her granddaughter just because she wasn't compliant with him. So get out of my way or this Sect will fall to my wrath." said Yan'er releasing her aura

"So it's like that but even if my grandson did such things I don't believe you have the strength to make me do what you wish." said the old Man as he also released his aura

"Hmm so that's your decision. Alright then I guess there's no need for anymore quarreling." said Yan'er as her eyes started glowing

Feeling danger from Yan'er the old man prepared to fight but was cut off by Yan'er as she opened the void and disappeared.

Seeing this the man became wary as he knew he couldn't chase after a couple minutes Yan'er came out with a Young Man by her side. The man appeared to be in an illusion as his eyes seemed blank.

"You ~ dare to kidnap my grandson in front of me your courting death." said the old man as he attacked Yan'er

Looking at the attack coming Yan'er just used kamui and made the attack disappear. Then she herself attacked with fireballs.

Not reacting on time as he didn't expect this outcome he was hit by most of the fireballs.

"~ cough cough ~ You what did you just do." said the man with indignation

"That doesn't matter right now." said Yan'er

Continuing her attack as the man was distracted she created several elemental jutsus and fired them at the sect building.

"Divine Genesis: World of Trees" chanting the Jutsu and augmenting it with her Fae bloodline she erected a whole forest which then started taking the sect apart

Not believing what he saw the Sect Master stood in astonishment as he saw his sect being destroyed.

During this his hair unconsciously turned white and his face became more wrinkled. His eyes also turned bloodshot and he turned to Yan'er and said, "Arrgghh you have destroyed everything if I don't kill you today then I won't be at peace. So die."

Right as he charged at Yan'er she opened the void and escaped.

As she left she said, "I may not be as strong as you right now but that will not be true for long. Next time we meet prepare your neck for me."