They're very naughty this two girls forced me to go here in Astar Bar. As I remember there's no occasion tonight. We enter to the bar and it's too loud. Jen get VIP room for us.

"Tell me what's happening tonight. Spill it" but they ignore my question they continue talking to each other. I seat in the couch and ordered my fave piña colada. I love this bar I know I never been here in this bar but it's like a familiar to me. The door open but it didn't bother me.

"Good Evening Amarie Sye" I heard his voice again and it's triggered me. I want to choke him until he can't breathe. I glare at him but he only laugh. "Okay okay I surrender Sye" Justine laugh. I met Justine in hospital 2years ago. Jhustine and Justine has a similar mind set.

"Jen can you please tell to him that he needs to get here right away? RL still like turtle to move" Jen laugh to Jhustine said. I ignored them. Aaaaarrghh why do we need to go hereee? I don't have a classes tomorrow morning that's why I ordered piña colada. They're talking something I can't understand while I'm here in the other couch scrolling my news feed in twitter.

"Sorry I'm late. I fetched them" I'm not going to turn my gaze to him. I feel awkward. He's familiar to me that I can't remember. I'm trying but everytime trying my head ache. Hmmm. I'm in my deep thought when Jen hold my face. "Come, I'll introduce you to them" we walk towards to the area where Raze and his friends are there.

"Everyone this is Amarie Sye our pretty friend" I look to them with a boring eyes. "Say hi to them girl hahaha" she murmured. I frown. Jen still a mysterious to me. We just met when we're highschool.

Someone lend his hand infront of me. "I don't do shake hands" I said with a low tone and back to the area where I seated earlier.