I woke up because of someone gently caressing my hair. I saw Raze staring at me. He smile so I look around they're gone and i'm in a bedroom with Harry Potter theme? "Where am I?" I ask him. I'm wondering whom this room belong. It's pretty nice. "Polaris House" he said "They're sleeping in the guest room" so if they all sleeping...
"How long did I slept here?" why Raze didn't wake me up. "Almost 2 hours. I don't want to disturb you that's why I didn't wake you up" he look at me and smile. "I'm going, sorry I disturb you from your sleeping" he's about to open the door when I speak "Thank you Raze" he stopped and look at me. He smile at me "You're always welcome my Queen and this room is made for you Amarie" he said before he go out.
I lay in the bed and stare in the ceiling. Why he's acting like he know me for years? Why did he bring me here? How did he know that I love Harry Potter? Who are you in my life Raze? I'm wondering why I can't remember anything when I'm in hospital even my friends. I just remember my family that time. As far as I know they bring me in America to have a treatment. I stay there for 2years. The facilities there was good they help me to bring back my memories but some more of my memories didn't bring back and now I feel that there's something in my heart is missing. I stand up and roam the whole room. While i'm roaming I saw a two pictures in one frame the two person in the upper part is watching sunset, the girl is taking a picture of sunset while the boy is just looking at his girl and in the lower part they star gazing, the boy is staring at his girl with a smile and the girl is pointing the star.
My head ache when something flash in my mind. I let go the frame so it fell and broke. My head "Aarrrgh!" I can't stop from shouting because it hurts.
Flashback (I'm walking near in the seashore when someone throw a sand ball in my feet. I look around then I saw Aze laughing I gave him a death glare. So I made a big sand ball and throw it to him while he's laughing.
"HAHAHAHA YOU JERK AZE!" I run away from him. I need to escape to him but he capture me in his arms. I laughed at his gesture. "I love you Aze") End of the flashback