Youngwoo hesitantly undid Shiwoo's robe, which revealed an erected dick. He then bent down as he licked the hot hard dick.
Ahh, can't get enough, I love his scent...
Schlorp schlorp....
He's become better at this, it feels so good, Aah
"Y-Youngwoo, i-if you don't stop then I will climax"
Youngwoo pulled out the dick of mouth and stood up on his knees with one hand on Shiwoo's shoulder to support his balance...
He wet his finger with his own saliva and prepared himself for the night, one by one he inserted his fingers into his hole slowly pumping in and out gradually adding two more fingers.
"aah, ngh, Shiwoo d-don't"
Shiwoo bent forward as nibbled his nipples lightly.
"Who said you could stop huh?"
After preparing himself, he tried putting Shiwoo's dick inside him
"Wh-why can't I...."
"I'll give you a hand "
"What? N-no hyaaa~~"
Shiwoo held Youngwoo's sides and pulled him down until all his dick was inside of him till his hilt.
"haa, too deep, ngh"
*tremble tremble*
"You are so tight, ngh"
*thrust* *pull out**thrust*
unh, mnn tears. came out of Yougwoo's eyes
"I-I can't take it anymore"
Shiwoo bent over laying Youngwoo down on the bed.
"aah, tooo deep~~ Shi-shiwoo hyaa, nh ,mnn"
"I'm about to~~"
"Me too"
"Hey hey, don't faint on me just yet"
"Did you think that was enough? We going all night this time"
"Shi~Shiwoo, I-I don't think I can take it any~aah"
"Less talking and more pleasure, I have been waiting for this for a long time"
"Aah, a-a long time? nnh"
I don't need to tell him right now...maybe one day I will tell him how much I loved him and dreamed about this day, when he would cry in pleasure underneath me.
"nnh...aah..can't take it anymore"
"but I am not even close"
Shiwoo held Youngwoo's dick so that he couldn't cum before he did.
As he continued, they both reached their limit and he let go as they both came together.
*clink clink*
Youngwoo woke up feeling a bit uncomfortable at his wrist..He looked at it and was confused.
"Oh youre awake?"
"Wh-why do I have sh-shackles in my hand?"
"Remember I told you, if you ever try to run from me I would tie you down and no matter what you. say I won't let go"
"I-I didn't try to run away"
Shiwoo walked closer and caressed Youngwoo's cheek and sai
"Oh really? Well, I remember someone telling me that you tried to run. away but then you changed your mind and didn't...but what matters to me is you tried to. run away and nothing else"
"Wh-who told you that?"
"Oh, you. know this person really well...."
"Kaname? Did, kaname tell you all that?"
"You mean Kaname knew about this?"
Shiwoo pulled Youngwoo's head up by. his chin and looked at him with a cold expression:
"How many times have I told you not to near him, I told you to stay away from him didn't I?"
"Umm, uhh I-I..."
*cold sweat*
*scared look*
"I-I'm r-really so-sorry"
*Shiwoo realises*
"Ah, I'm sorry..." "Anyways, the guy who told me went to army with you, you were both in the same batch, does it ring any bell?"
"Choi Jihun?"