Redo with the Girl

Noa becomes beat red. However, his heart rate slowly levels out.

- If I'm being honest this does feel nice. The feeling of being cared about and this warmth spreading within me. This is almost like when I recharge on my bed after school. Only this is more like an emotional recharge.

Noa: "Fair enough, I actually miss having someone to talk with like this."

Kazu: "Does that mean you didn't have anyone in the US?"

Noa: "Not a one, right before middle school I put on a lot of weight. On top of that I moved to a different school in the 6th grade. So I didn't have many friends going in."

Kazu: "I was in same boat while I was over seas."

Noa: "Hiro mentioned something like that you were there for 2 years?

Kazu: "Yeah, in California I went to school with several of my relatives. But even still I couldn't 'fit in.' It was definitely a culture shock and though I had family, we were so different. It's not that we didn't get along but when we were at school there was a big divide. It almost felt like I was disowned in some ways. Maybe they felt wierd about introducing me into thier personal lives and yet I never really told them how it made me feel."

- I felt at that moment that we were more similar than I knew. Just two candles lights seeking shelter from the harsh winds.

Kazu: "Well, that's my class over there. Let's talk some more later."

Noa: "Alright, later then."