Worried for the Girl

Noa arrives at the track while the gym teacher does roll call.

Hiro: "Noa?"

Noa: "Hey."

Hiro: "Is everything good? I thought you might have gotten sick."

Noa: "Nah I'm ok."

Hiro: "Well you sure took your time. Luckily he hasn't called your name yet."

Gym Teacher: "Noa Imai!"

Noa: "Here!"

Noa: "Are you on any sports team?"

Noa spots Hiro as he does situps during the class warm-ups and stretches.

Hiro: "Not since last year."

Noa: "Are you in any clubs."

Hiro: "Not yet, I was in the literary club last year; however, I stopped going at the beginning of this year."

Noa: "You didn't enjoy yourself?"

Hiro: "Nah I like to read, but it just wasn't my thing."

Noa: "I see."

Hiro: "Have you thought about joining any clubs."

Noa: "No, none in particular."

Hiro: "You should try it, knowing you it would probably do you some good."

Noa: "Yeah, might be nice hangout with people pr age sometimes."

In Japan, school clubs form the basis in the construct of the average student's social ecosystem. Meaning that the average student's pulls from their clubs to create lasting relationships. Some schools believe that these clubs are a good means of occupying their student's free time. lest they fall into delinquency.

Later at the track, Hiro leads in front while Noa trails behind trying his best to keep up.

- I can feel my heart punching my lungs. I think I'm going to die. We're almost there!

Hiro goes to the water fountain to wet his dry mouth a bit then spits it back out. Noa arrives heaving heavily and when he catches his breath he drinks the water as if it was air.

- Hiro didn't even break a sweat. Was he holding back so that I could keep up?

Noa: "Remind me why your not on a team."

Hiro while lost in his thoughts doesn't reply.

Noa: "Are you worried about her?"

Hiro: "A little. I told her not to show up today and I thought she had stayed. However, she must have got back up after I left home."

Hiro: "I guess she really wanted to come today."

Noa: "Well, the teacher said we were dismissed after we ran our lap. Let's head back."