Chapter 1

When Ryu woke up he was in a dark cave. When he raised his head, he hit the ceiling of the cave because he lifted his head to much. "Oww, that hurt. Ok now I just need to figure out where I am." As Ryu looked around, he realized that he was underwater. "Wait, am I underwater? Also how can I see in this cave, there is clearly no light shining anywhere." He started to swim around the cavern while checking out his gifts. 'For my first gift, this body is clearly real. For my second gift, I have the information about the cultivation technique in my head, huh this is a really useful and effective technique. Now for my last gift, I can clearly feel that I can teleport to other realities, but it seems to be locked for now.' While thinking, he looks at his body, he is around 118.5 meters tall and at least a good 250 meters long with his tail making up about half of that length. When he started paying attention to where he was going, he realized that he was near the entrance of the cave.

When he reached the entrance, he looked out and around, he saw that he was underwater on a ledge in a trench looking area and that there was not a whole lot of life nearby. He then looks up and see's that the cave entrance is about 2000 meters from the top of the trench. Ryu then leaves the cave to practice swimming and controlling his new body. While swimming, he encounters some aquatic life, they start running away when they notice him nearby.'Am I that scary' he was thinking as he noticed this. 'It's probably because I have a ridiculously massive body' After swimming for about 3 hours, he noticed that it was getting dark out. 'I should probably go back to my cave and practice my cultivation a bit.' After thinking that, Ryu heads back to the cave he woke up in and started absorbing radiation from the planet to progress in his cultivation.

When he stopped cultivating, he noticed that the radiation in his body got stronger and more potent. "Huh I wonder if there is a limit to this technique?" As I was talking to myself, I noticed that I was a bit hungry, so I got out of my cave and went to go find some breakfast. While searching for food, he found breakfast in the form of a semi-large aquatic snake. When attacking the snake, it put up a bit of a fight and even managed to make a somewhat deep gash in his right arm. After seeing that he went into a rage and obliterated half the snake with his atomic breath. While calming down after he killed what was going to be his breakfast, he noticed that his arm was healing at an extremely fast rate. Around a minute later and the wound was gone. 'huh, that is pretty handy' While he was thinking that, he started to eat what was left of the snake. After that happened, Ryu went back to his cave to rest. Before falling asleep he thought 'I could get used to this lifestyle'