Chapter 2

When I woke up I started cultivating to pass the time. As I was cultivating, I noticed that my body was getting denser and producing more radiation as well as my control over the radiation slowly increasing, while my mind was becoming sharper and quicker to process information, as well as becoming more resilient. Feeling these changes I decide to cultivate for 3 more days. When I'm done cultivating I take a good look around my current home. As I inspect it, I notice that it is perfect for a creature like me, cold water to cool my body off, a platform like area to rest my body on, a room to possibly hold treasures or things that might be useful to me, like food, there's even a volcanic vent to warm the cave up. I can't help but think that I won the jackpot home-wise for giant aquatic monsters. The next day I will do up to the surface of the water and explore a bit so I can figure out where in the world I am at the moment.

The next day, Ryu got up and started preparing to go to the surface. When he was ready, he left his cave and started ascending to the surface. As I was rising to the surface, I noticed that the wildlife in the area was getting more abundant. When I breached the surface, a nice cool breeze hit my scaled body. As I looked around I could barely see a few islands in the distance, when I got close enough to see the islands, I could see that the islands that I saw made up Japan. By doing a few calculations. I realized that my cave lied somewhere in the southern part of the Marianas Trench. I ducked down under the water as I saw boats nearby, looking at those boats I asked myself 'Aren't those the boats used during the Edo period of Japan?' As Ryu sat there baffled at the fact that he had about 500+ years until the start of the show, he didn't notice the large form that was sneaking up on him.

I just sat there in shock until i felt something hit my back really hard. Turning around I see a massive crab. This thing is the size of 2 school buses with 4 long pincers. I was upset right now, not at the fact that the crab attacked me, but the fact that I didn't sense it until it was right on top of me. To get rid of it I just send some radiation down to my tail and fire a laser beam at it. The laser beam does it's job in killing the crab, It also alerts the nearby boats that i'm right there, so before they can get here I gotta go. So as i'm heading back to my home, i'm thinking about why i'm in the Edo period instead of near when the show would start, but can't really come up with anything. Of course i'm gonna use this to my full advantage, because when the show starts its pretty much a shitstorm when Alucard wakes up. As I enter my cave I can only think of how lucky I am to have such a head start and how i'm gonna enjoy my time until then.