Fisherman POV:
Today was a pretty normal day for us, we caught many fish with our nets to sell and eat. One day while fishing we see what looks like a purple beam of light come out of the water. While the water around the purple beam starts to act like its boiling. Looking at that we were confused and decided to investigate As us and a few other ships head over to investigate, we see something terrifying in the water. A massive creature with black scales and glowing purple spines along its back and the glow coming from its mouth as well. It's dragging with it a partly destroyed skeleton of what looks like a crab that looks charred. As we were watching the creature we tried seeing where is was going but it vanished soon after we spotted it. Deeply confused, me and the rest of my crew decided to call it a day and head back home. Whatever that creature was I hope it never comes back because if it does and it rampages, we have no way to make it go away and leave us alone.
Ryu POV:
When I wake up, I hear my bones pop as I twist my body to completely wake up. As I do this, I contemplate on what to do today. I decide to figure out what exactly is the limit to this body and what it can do when threatened. Going into a deeper part of the trench, I see that it it incredibly durable as I don't even feel the pressure, I didn't even feel how cold the water was. As I reached the bottom of the trench, I noticed a massive figure at the bottom. Curious, I decided to go to investigate. As Ryu got closer and closer to the figure he could see exactly what it is. It was a massive squid like creature with a human torso. The creature had beige chitin like plates covering it's entire body, and had mouth- like appendages on the end of it's tentacles, it had 4 eyes and a massive mouth. 'Holy shit' I thought as I looked at it 'that thing looks like it could decimate a country if it wanted to.' I was also thinking about whether if I should attack it, or run.
As Ryu was contemplating what to do, he didn't see that the creature he was stalking was starting to move. He was still thinking when he saw that the creature was about to attack him. turning sharply, he moves out of its way and prepares to slap it with his tail. But the creature was fast and quickly grabbed the tail, slowly the creature started pulling the tail off of Ryu's body. Ryu screamed in pain and anger. In his anger he started charging up his radiation to be released out of multiple parts of his body. He released the radiation at the beast and slowly started pumping more radiation into the blast. As Ryu did this, he didn't notice how his radiation levels were dropping really fast. After he blasted the creature, he started biting and clawing furiously at it. Eventually the beast fell dead, it couldn't keep up with Ryu's rapid attacks. When Ryu finished the attacks, he felt as if he would drop at any moment. While Ryu was collapsing onto the seabed, he thought' dammit, I need more power' Then everything faded away.