Chapter 4

While Ryu was unconscious, his body was rapidly evolving and creating parts that will protect him more. As the parts of his body that were lost regrew themselves, his muscle mass got denser and his body got more flexible, more resilient to things such as slashes and blunt force trauma. His body started growing larger and longer, he grew up to around 130 meters in height and 300 meters long. He developed sharper and longer teeth that were more durable, they also developed a potent venom for things that won't go down from just the teeth. the dorsal plates on his back were growing bigger and more resilient to blunt force trauma and slashes like his body. His arms grew longer and stronger with sharper claws. The radiation in his body was growing more powerful and dense. As Ryu was growing, nothing went near him because the heat given off by his body was unbearable to most of the creatures and even killed some, and the creatures that weren't effected by the heat couldn't damage his body. While Ryu was unconscious, his mind was changing to be resistant to anger so he won't go off in a rage as often. After about a month Ryu eventually woke up.

Ryu POV:

When I woke up I was confused about where I was, then I remembered what happened before I fell unconscious. I then looked around at my body to see if it was alright, I saw that my body had healed all of the damage done. I then noticed that my body was longer and larger. I also noticed that my dorsal plates had what looks to be a permanent purple glow to them along with my mouth. The glow ran down to the tip of my tail that I noticed had a mouth on it instead of a stump, I did notice as well that I could see out of my tail and figured out that there must be eyes somewhere on the tip, it felt really weird to be able to see from two different perspectives at the same time so I close the set of eyes on my tail and keep them shut for the time being. I felt that the radiation in my body got a boost as well so I figured that I evolved to be stronger and harder to rip apart. My arms got bigger and easier to move around, and the claws look so much sharper. After I checked out my body I picked up the corpse that is the behemoth I swam back to my cave and dug to expand as the cave was slightly too small for me to move around freely in. After expanding my cave, I go out and look around to see if anything happened while I was out. I noticed that some of the smaller creatures died of what looks like a heart attack when I swam near them 'free snacks for me' I thought when I saw the corpses, now I don't really have to eat but it's nice doing it every once in a while. Anyways since I didn't notice anything that would interest me I went back to my cave to cultivate a bit because why not, my life is just as boring as it always was, but isolation is fun in its own ways, annoying people don't interrupt me whenever I start talking, I'm not being laughed at for being stuck in a hospital room because i'm dying(it's happened before) and many other reasons. After a while of brooding whether or not to go out and find something interesting, I fall asleep to pass the time.

While Ryu was sleeping, he doesn't realize that other youkai are looking in his general area to find out what destroyed as part of the trench. They look but don't find Ryu's cave entrance because it's not in the general area. Since they didn't find anything, they left the area but not before one of them felt the ground shift a bit. Not knowing what caused it, the youkai up and left. Meanwhile Ryu slept through the search party and is currently condensing his already dense radiation even more to make it more potent, because why not? As Ryu sleeps, his body unconsciously adapts to be able to use both sets of eyes without hurting himself.