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"Mother, she hates demons." Soo-Hwan smiles widely. "And I don't like her in a romantic way."

Fang Aisa rolls her eyes. Why is Soo-Hwan not like their father when it comes to love? "You will gain nothing if you remain passive."

Gaining nothing? But he can't force someone. She has a good reason for her prejudice against demons. Her sisters and father were victims of a devil. Soo-Hwan goes to his mother's side and wraps his arm around his mother's shoulders. Despite being nearly a foot taller than his mother, he leans down and rests his head on her shoulder. "Why don't you try to convince Seung-Min?"

"He's so hard-headed." Fang Aisa massages her forehead. "Sariel is also crazy. I don't want to talk to either of them."

Both Seung-Min and Sariel aren't normal. Aisa sighs. Then, who is normal in this house? Hopefully, her daughter would find someone normal.