Sleep with me

"..." Nami purses her lips. It's better if she doesn't say anything. What if this stupid angel do something stupider? 

"He didn't reject you because you didn't confess to him." Se-Yong points out. "His attitude says that he doesn't want you. Aren't twenty years long enough?"

"It's like two days for me." Sarie gasps in the cold air, staring up at the sky. "I wonder where he's being so shy."

"He's not being shy." Se-Joon raises his hands, feeling a headache coming. "He's avoiding you."

"I am sure that he will open up to me someday." Sarie closes her eyes and tilts her head. "Seung-Min has always been quiet and introverted."

"He wasn't introverted." Se-Hoon tells her, "He just doesn't like you."

"When will he say that he likes me?" The angel looks at Se-Joon. There's a maniacal look in her eyes that makes Se-Joon tremble. "What did my husband say to you?"