If a Devil can imitate love

After she hangs up the call, Natsumi tells the driver to take her to the hospital. She puts her elbow on the car window edge, looking out with a fallacious calm in her eyes -- one probe and she will shatter. 

She sees a bus stop. A few people are waiting for a bus. Someone is talking on the phone. The Taxi continues to move forward. People are walking on the sidewalk. A small group of high school girls are giggling about something. Life is going as usual. But Sayuri is hurt. Wakana is kidnapped. And she doesn't want to think about what had happened to her father. 

Sei returned and destroyed everything. 

Nakashima Natsumi has never felt this helpless before. Perhaps, the only times when she felt helpless was when Wakana would start crying whenever she saw a bad memory or a ghost.