How does a timeline restore itself?

Wakana ends up eating a few things from the table. 

It's been hours. Yiren hasn't returned. The pressure fields aren't gone. She's still stuck.

She has tried to look into memories. Strangely, there are none. That shouldn't be possible. Just a while ago, she and Yiren were fighting. Then, she should be able to see that. Was it not traumatic enough? Maybe, it's not.

Wakana lies down on the floor and closes her eyes. She focuses on the bond, trying to find out what Minho is up to. 

She can't sense anything. 

The bond is there, but she can't feel the person.

"That's strange." She doesn't know much about the bond. Is she doing it wrong? She taps on it again. 

Sound of screaming leaks through the bond.

"Who?" Wakana sits up. The sound is completely gone. "Sayuri?"

She tries again, but there's nothing. 

Is Sayuri hurt?

"Hello, Babe."