Chapter 14


The recall order for all ships and off world teams had gone out. Along their return route the ask Force Pegasus ships were designated to collect delegates of the Coalition of Planets for an emergency session to be held on Atlantis.

Beaming down to the briefing room, the delegates were in awe of the majesty of Atlantis. Never before had they seen the city of the Ancestors. Seeing how the city responded to the inhabitants the delegates realized for the first time the true amount of power these people had at their disposal. In a state of horror and shock the Coalition of Planets panel listened as Mr. Woolsey presented his case against the Genii. Stomachs turned at the sight of graphic photos of the carnage of the trade world attack.

"Time and again the Genii have waged an undeclared war not only on Atlantis, but on all the people of this galaxy. Their attempts to suborn this coalition to their designs are widely known among us all. The one hope of tyranny to prevail is that good men will sit by and do nothing. From this day forward their unchecked aggression and tyrannical practices will cease." said a very determined Woolsey.

Rising to address the delegates was Colonel Frost. All in the room saw the steely cold efficiency in his every movement. Clearing his throat, he began to address the room in his crisp military manner.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my duty to inform you that this act is an unspoken declaration of war against the combined peoples of this coalition. In the interests of containment, we have taken the precaution of seizing the Stargates on all Genii worlds. With their ability to move contained, we will begin interdiction operations shortly. Atlantis forces will spearhead this effort as we are better equipped to do so. What we ask in return is information. The Genii will not yet know we have informed the coalition worlds. Your people have the ability to move without arousing suspicion in areas that we cannot. In exchange for intelligence, my world is prepared to offer the same level of technical assistant to your worlds that we have provided the Athosian's. As a military man, I do not stand here before you and profess to be a diplomat. What I say I mean and what I mean I say. Any world that stands with the Genii will incur the full rage and might my people can muster." said the Colonel.

The delegates already onboard with the plan before Frost spoke received the message loudly and very clearly. Atlantis intended to destroy the Genii and anyone else who stood in their way of doing so.

Elsewhere in the city members of TF-190 were busy prepping for the deployments they all knew would begin in earnest shortly. Jumpers were loaded with containers of firearms, explosives, and Javelin anti-tank missiles. The aviation crews went about with test flights of their UAV's to ensure their mission readiness. ATV's were readied and loaded aboard other Jumpers. TF-190 would be ready to deploy at a moments notice when the ongoing preparations were complete.

Pegasus Galaxy

Word of the massacre traveled quickly among the worlds of the galaxy. Shock, horror, and anger were the reactions each time. Thanking the Ancestors the human worlds pledged their support to Atlantis. Public opinion of the Genii turned from mild dislike to outwardly hostile. The battle of public opinion had already been won and lost. From each world, small groups of people intent on seeing justice served, journeyed through the Stargate to seek out any and all people of the Genii. It was not known what Atlantis intended to do with the information once provided but mercy was not one of those hoped for outcomes.

Jakod M5V-801

In the former mines the Genii leadership had converted into bunkers, the mood was one of jubilation. The planned first strike had been perfectly executed and resulted in no friendly casualties. The people of Atlantis would soon see their allies abandon them. The Genii rise to preeminence was at hand the leadership believed. Praising the individual members of the strike team Prenum showed his pride in these brave men and women. All eyes turned to the room's heavy steel door as a sentry burst in at the run. "The Stargate has vanished in a flash of light!"