Chapter 15

New Heliopolis

The Roma's sensors detected a hyperspace window opening eight hundred thousand kilometers away. A quick scan determined the vessel was the Aurora Class vessel Frazier, named after the late Dr. Janet Frazier. In orbit around the two earth vessels were two O'Neill class ships of the Asgard.

New Heliopolis was the result of the exogenesis device. The planet had been transformed from an arid desert landscape to a lush forested world. Sensors detected a single structure on the landscape. Coordinates relayed from the Asgard informed the Frazier where the expected Earth delegation was expected to appear from transport.

With a flash of brilliant white light General Jack O'Neill, Dr. Daniel Jackson, and Lt. Colonel Paul Davis appeared. Awaiting their arrival stood Thor, Supreme Commander of the Asgard Fleet. Bidding the newly arrived individuals greetings Thor ushered them into the large building before them. Entering the complex, Daniel was taken by the sudden realization that they had seen a building just like the one they were now in.

"Thor, several years ago we came across a building much like this one. I believed it to be a place of meeting for the Ancients, Asgard, Nox, and the Furling." said Dr. Jackson.

"We are aware Dr. Jackson. You are correct in your estimation of that structures purpose. New Heliopolis is a recreation of that planet, and this facility is an exact copy of our former assembly hall. Contained within this hall is also an archive of the joint knowledge of all the combined races." said Thor.

"Thor, why are we here?" asked the General.

"O'Neill you are here as it is your place to be here." responded the Asgard cryptically.

Entering a large chamber the three the SGC members saw a large conference table. Seated around it were the Nox, a man they had never seen before, and a woman who looked strangely like the holographic avatar found upon the discovery of Atlantis. Introductions were made and the jaws of the Tauri delegation fell. Seated around them were representatives of the Ancients and the Furling. Daniel was thunderstruck.

"Dr. Jackson, this council has watched over your world since the Ascension of the Alterran's in conjunction with the Asgard." said the Furling Ambassador named Dorin.

Melia, the Alterran representative rose from her seat to address the Tauri. "What I say to you now I say with a heavy heart, for you may not understand the reasoning behind our actions. My people seeded life throughout this galaxy. Upon our return from the Pegasus galaxy we spread out amongst your people hoping to kindle the spark of civilization. Our Ascension was done to allow you to further your development without our direct influence. You are our children, and as your mother and father my race sought to allow you to develop in such a way that your full potential and strength could be unlocked. Though you may never understand nor accept our actions it was we that allowed the Goa'uld to lord over humanity for so many generations. We did this in the knowledge that your great potential could only be unlocked in the presence of such adversity. It was we, violating our highest directive never to interfere, that planted the seeds of rebellion among the people of Earth leading to Ra's eviction. You have surpassed our highest hopes for what you would accomplish and become. In your creation we sought to create children capable of surpassing our own achievements."

"The Goa'uld exploited humanity in this galaxy. Hundreds of generations knew nothing but servitude and tyrannical control." responded Dr. Jackson.

"Although the Furling and Asgard did not agree, this was done. It is understood the amount of resentment this would cause you to feel. It is never expected that you forget, but it is our supreme hope that you can forgive." stated Dorin.

"Now that you have taken your rightful place as the Fifth Race we are prepared to relax our noninterference directive. Your understanding of elements of the technology we left for you to find is impressive. For your new role you will need a full understanding of our legacy. Our people will now freely interact with yours. We ask that we be allowed to educate your people so full understanding can be found. A contingent will be sent to Atlantis and others will be sent to Vis Uban. If you agree we will unlock all the mysteries that you have sought answers for in our database." stated Melia.

"If it is full disclosure and technical understanding as your children we ask that nothing be held back." replied Dr. Jackson.

"The Alterran's have already agreed to this demand when we posed it to them. The full body of knowledge of the Furlings will also be shared. Furthermore, we will aid you in ending your conflicts in this galaxy and within Pegasus. You now stand as the equal of every people within this alliance." said the Furling Ambassador.

Thunderstruck the delegation returned to the Frazier to report the day's events to the SGC.