Chapter 24


Watching the video of the Tauri attack on the military installation the Genii leadership sat in stunned silence. To achieve this level of destruction the Genii would have had to utilize an atomic device. Somehow the Tauri had done this with some type of simple gas. The stunning realization of the military power their enemies possessed was frightening.

"When the Wraith cull worlds they at least leave survivors. This attack in terms of manpower was far more lethal and devastating than any Wraith culling. Are you telling me we are now at war with a race even more bloodthirsty than the Wraith?" asked Prenum, leader of the Genii people.

"We knew beforehand they were a formidable enemy. All this shows us is their willingness to commit unimaginable atrocities on the people of this galaxy. Their weakness is also evident in their willingness to only attack one world instead of all our worlds." said Heiron, the confident although slightly misguided leader of Genii military forces.

"Before we proceed further we need more information on the enemies coming moves. Gather this from the far corners of the galaxy, by force if necessary. We will find out what we need to know. They may think their gas weapon is invincible, but they cannot drop such a weapon on us underground." finished Prenum.


Stepping through the gate under armed escort was Todd. Quickly he was ushered to the conference room where sat Colonel Sheppard and Mr. Woolsey. Taking his seat, the sought after discussion began.

"You've accomplished much since your return to this galaxy." said Todd.

"Todd, we're not here for small talk. You wanted to talk so talk." said Sheppard.

"As you can see my use of the one you called Michaels research has paid great dividends. Those treated no longer require the need to feed on your race." said Todd.

"You must be made aware of my government's level of apprehension regarding the use of that research. Michael didn't exactly endear himself to our endeavors in this galaxy." stated Woolsey.

"I mean your people no harm. My goals are much larger than that. It is my intention to unify the Wraith under one leader without the need to feed on humans and leave this galaxy. I am understandably aware how the worlds of this galaxy will not be so inclined to lend their trust to my people even though their status as a food source will have changed." said the former Wraith.

"Let me guess, the Wraith don't like that idea and want to kill you." stated Sheppard.

"Your guess would be correct John Sheppard. The remaining Queens will seek to destroy all those loyal to me. We represent a threat to their continued domination of this galaxy. Our people worked together to destroy the Asurans, and also to save your own world. I propose we work together once more to free your people from fear of the Wraith once and for all." said Todd.

"You're asking that we fight the war to come for you Todd." boldly stated Woolsey.

"Is it not to your benefit to do so? I will of course collect those Wraith who survive your efforts to eliminate them and administer the treatment effectively neutralizing them." said Todd smoothly.

"Before we agree to any temporary alliance we would first need a show of good faith. Provide us with the locations of all Wraith forces in the galaxy and we will consider what you propose. Fail to do as we ask and we'll simply let the Wraith hunt you down on their own." answered Woolsey.

Laughing his booming laugh Todd looked as if he might smile. "I expected as much and it will be provided to you." he answered.


A revolution had taken place that no one outside of the member nations of the IOA were aware of. Teams of Asgard engineers had been working around the clock in locations scattered around the globe. Their task was the installation of several of the Asgard's more advanced planetary power generation devices. With simple computer commands taking power plants offline these new Neutrino Ion generators easily shouldered the burden of supplying a large percentage of Earths electrical needs. Further work would need to be completed to connect the power grids of all nations. Once that was complete the nations of Earth would enjoy free and clean energy in limitless quantities even though they would not know how it was being produced.

Several Furling teams were also on world installing various devices as well. In Alaska one team was installing a car sized device atop a remote mountain peak that would remove chloro-fluoro carbons from the atmosphere along with other traces of man made pollution. The second team using a Puddle Jumper were air-dropping devices in the oceans of Earth. These devices would remove pollution from all interconnected bodies of water.

In the coming weeks other technologies were to be provided to the people of Earth. With the assistance of the other great races the planet would be allowed to heal the damage that the previous two hundred years of industrialization had done.