Chapter 25


Deep within the south pier a select subunit of the military intelligence detachment had set up shop. Interrogation rooms were set up and wired with sensors to detect changes in brain wave activity, voice stress analysis, and rapid pupil dilation. In short these sensors were the latest in lie detection equipment, but not the only options available to the interrogation team.

The Genii soldiers captured during the recent airstrike had been in stasis since their arrival on Atlantis. Each of the prisoners of war represented a huge amount of intelligence value. Due to their military training from childhood onwards it was thought that traditional interrogation techniques would be a waste of time. Something more would be needed and something more was available in a separate room.

"How sure are you of this process Major?" asked Col. Frost.

"This is a one hundred percent effective modality Sir. If you refer to the briefing book I've prepared for you the process is fully explained in depth." said Major Carpenter.

Contained within the pages of the briefing book was a full description of the methods to be employed and a technical explanation as to just why the system worked. The subject to be interrogated would be given a mild sedative and dressed in a very high quality neoprene wetsuit, A custom built divers helmet, like those utilized for deep dives would be fitted on the subject. Inside this helmet were a series of speakers utilizing the anti noise principle that a noise is played out of phase over any audible noise and the two will cancel each other out, much like the noise cancelling headphones many wear during air travel. The viewport of the helmet had been replaced with a high quality ultra thin LCD that would display inward. An ionizer would eliminate any smells within the helmet as well. The subject once outfitted would be placed in a tank of saltwater. This tank of saltwater was temperature and salinity controlled down to the smallest degree so the subject would remain at neutral buoyancy.

"I've gone over the briefing material Major, just tell me in your own words why it works." responded the Colonel.

"The purpose is to put them in a womb like environment. Essentially, humans are social animals. We require a constant stream of stimulus from the environment around us be it sight, smell, sound, or touch. Removing this outside stimulus forces the mind to begin feeding on itself for this information. Oddly enough the more intelligent the subject the faster they break. Upon removal of stimulus the mind over a period of several hours will undergo three distinct panic periods. One test subject likened the experience to being in purgatory; falling into nothing forever. During these panic periods we closely monitor the subjects for any sign of a cardiac event or severe blood pressure fluctuations. After the third panic event we begin to pipe in a barely audible voice asking them what they've done. The entire thing turns into something like a catholic confession." said the Major.

"And when the process is done?" asked Frost.

"Once we've gained all the intel available from the subject we sedate them once again. Upon removal from the tank we further administer a mild amnesiac in an intramuscular injection. Once the amnesiac has taken effect they are in a state highly receptive to suggestion. We can implant the desire to forget the event, and go so far as to bring about a subconscious level of change in their leanings towards certain paths moving forward" finished Carpenter.

"Ok Major, get their commanding officer in there first. We need to know what they know ASAP." ordered Frost.

Slowly, Forhem opened his eyes. Darkness was all that greeted him. Funny he thought, I can't move, I feel like I'm floating. "I can't move, and I need help" he cried. Why can I not hear my own voice he wondered? Knowing he yelled but was unable to hear himself and unable to move he began to panic. What has happened to me his mind began to focus on.

"We have the onset of panic period one." said the Major to his assembled team.

His breathing raced as Forhem struggled in the tank, unaware of anything around him. This continued for several moments until his mind began to go over the possibilities. Trapped under ruble, badly injured, maybe in a coma he thought. The possibilities were endless and none of them were good he knew.

Relying on his training Forhem had not attempted to struggle again, believing himself to be injured. He waited what seemed like an eternity for rescue to come. Surely they would find him; where ever it was he was currently trapped. If I'm trapped though why can I not hear myself scream he thought beginning to panic again.

"Panic period two is beginning. Watch his blood pressure closely. We don't want him to spike and stroke out on us. Activate the low light images on his display." ordered Carpenter.

I can see something he thought. Faint images of something moving in the distance were there for him to see. "Help me! Over here!" he screamed. The images began to grow further and further away. "Why won't you help me?" Forhem screamed. Still, he could not hear the sound of his own screams, but knew he was screaming with all of his effort. Returned to total blackness Forhem panicked once again. It had taken four hours to reach this third panic period, but in his mind Forhem thought he had been in this state for day's maybe even weeks.

"Panic period three is starting. As soon as his vitals go down a few points let's begin the audio. For now keep the video off." ordered the Major.

In the helmet at an almost imperceptible volume a low voice began to speak. "I can't hear what you're saying! I'm right here! Help me!" cried Forhem. As he began to beg and plead the voice grew more intelligible but was still very distant. In tears Forhem was ready to give up and meet the end.

"Forhem, what have you done?" asked the voice.

His state of mind was exhausted and defeated. All Forhem could do was whimper a quiet reply. "I have done nothing."

"Lie to me again and I will leave you here for all eternity." whispered the voice.

"Please, help me. Don't leave me here like this!" Forhem begged.

"Is this what happened to my people? Is this what you have become?" asked the voice.

"I don't understand, please don't leave me here like this!" pleaded Forhem.

"Your forefathers are shamed with what has happened to our descendents. You have turned into simple thugs, not the soldiers you were meant to be. Confess all to me now or remaining in this place between life and death will be your only reality." ordered the voice.

"Anything, just don't leave me in this hell!" quietly begged Forhem.

Hours later Forhem had indeed confessed everything he knew. Locations, names, plans, troops strengths, safe houses were all divulged. Thinking confession was the only way to save his soul he had confessed all before passing out.

Quickly, Forhem was removed from the sensory deprivation tank and stripped out of the wetsuit. Amnesiac's were administered while form fitting head phones were placed on the unconscious mans ears. As he slept a soundtrack played over and over again reinforcing the belief that the spirits of his forefathers were displeased, forcing his defection from the Genii. Before he awoke he would believe it all to be true, but he would not be waking to the sights of Atlantis.