Chapter 26


Todd had made good on his promise to provide real time position data on all Wraith hives in the galaxy. Under the cover of it's cloak the Ares had quietly checked seven random and very distant from one another hives to test the validity of the information Todd had provided. In each case a hive was found. It looked as if Todd was telling the truth so far, but that was not to say a nasty surprise wouldn't be found soon.

So as not to compromise their new ability to track the hives the Ares each time did not engage the enemy. Instead, remaining under cloak detailed scans were carried out of each of the hive ships to ascertain its current state of repair.

"Take us into hyperspace and head for Atlantis." ordered Colonel John Sheppard.

Cheyenne Mountain, Earth

After numerous off world gate activations all expected visitors had arrived. With off world operations being conducted from Earth, the Alpha and Beta sites, and the recently added November site the operational tempo of Cheyenne Mountain has slowed. While it was true more SG teams existed now than at anytime previously, their being stationed in multiple facilities around the galaxy helped.

In the conference room races from across the galaxy were seated. Jaffa, Asgard, Alterran, and Humans were all present. The reason for this small intergalactic conference was the current pandemic afflicting the Free Jaffa Nation. The CDC and USAMRIID had tracked the path of the outbreak, and isolated a sample of the virus for examination, but found themselves in need of assistance. Displaying their data on the virus via overhead display the briefing had begun in earnest thirty minutes earlier.

"During our genetic sequencing of the virus we found several peculiarities which lead us to believe the virus was genetically engineered. Genes found in very robust forms of cancer were present. The virus also appears to be sheathed in a protective coating which it produces that makes it highly resistant for a time to atmosphere and ultraviolet light. No other known virus we've ever encountered behaves in this manner. It's very similar to what would be found in a weaponized biological agent." said Colonel Nathan of USAMRIID, creators of some of America's most feared biological weapons before their being banned.

"We are in agreement with these findings. The Asgard have never before encountered a naturally occurring virus such as this. Sensor readings from our science vessels dispatched to the effected planets have detected airborne concentrations of the pathogen not consistent with a naturally occurring outbreak." said Heimdall, the chief Asgard medical specialist.

"I concur with these findings. After speaking with several individuals on this matter I can tell you who developed this virus, when it was developed, and why. For many millennia we watched over the Goa'uld. This virus was developed by a Goa'uld named Nergal roughly five thousand years ago. It was intended to be a failsafe should the Jaffa ever attempt an uprising against the Goa'uld. It was employed only once to our knowledge in Sokar's war against the Sodan Jaffa greatly reducing their numbers and sending them into hiding. The use of this virus was the reason we gave the Sodan their cloaking bracelets. In its one use as a weapon the virus had a lethality rate approaching seventy percent. The thirty percent it did not kill it left greatly weakened. The virus will quickly mutate into new variations, always attacking the implanted Goa'uld larvae. As much as it pains me to say this we know of only one cure. You must remove all symbiotes on all planets, and change over all Jaffa to Tritonin." said Kalus, the chief medical specialist of the Alterran's.

Silently Teal'c seethed. Seeing the realization of just who might be behind this dawn on the surrounding faces General Landry looked upon Daniel Jackson for more insight.

"Dr. Jackson, what can you tell us about Nergal?" asked the General.

"Not as much as I would like General. Nergal was the Babylonian god of war and pestilence. Also known as the burner, the raging king and the furious one he was the god of the underworld. He was also in later days known as the god of plague. He is mentioned in the Hebrew bible as the deity of the city of Cuth and in later Christian texts is purported to be chief spy of Satan which we've learned was the Goa'uld Sokar." said Jackson.

"Nergal fell in battle against Ra long ago. His planets were assumed by Ra and later Apophis." stated Bra'tac.

"No Jaffa would unleash a virus such as this on his or her own people. It goes against our very code of honor." stated Teal'c with barely controlled rage in his eyes.

"If this is something created by the Goa'uld, that points us in the direction of who released this. It's no secret that much of the Goa'uld's less than humanitarian hardware and knowledge now rests in the hands of the Lucian Alliance." said General Landry.

"The planet this virus was developed on has no stargate. It was used as a headquarters for the Goa'uld Empire. It stood abandoned for many years before their fall." said Kalus.

"Perhaps you would care to provide the planets location so we can have a look around?" asked Landry.