Chapter 47


In the swirling blue and black kaleidoscope of hyperspace fifty six Ha'Tak vessels of the Free Jaffa Nation sped towards their destination. On the bridge of the armada's flagship stood Bra'tac, commander of the attack fleet. Not since his days as First Prime of Apophis had Bra'tac commanded a fleet as large as this. The old warrior had experienced much since then. From his first encounter with the Tauri to the freeing and unification under one government of the Jaffa much indeed had changed.

"Master Bra'tac we will arrive at Tuat in one hour" stated Cha'ra.

"Thank you Cha'ra. Send word to the other ships in the armada to prepare for battle. Have the gliders manned for immediate deployment and ground forces aboard Al'kesh ready for the same" ordered Bra'tac.

"I will see to it now" answered Cha'ra.

Aboard the ships of the FJN fleet warriors manned their gliders and Al'kesh. Ha'tak weapons were powered and placed in standby so they could be ready for use the moment hyperspace was exited. A feeling of tension and anger ran through all aboard. Their people had been attacked with a plague that chose its victims indiscriminately. Men, women, and children had fallen. Driven by a sense of honor righteous retribution would be exacted.

"One minute until hyperspace exit" Cha'ra instructed.

"When we exit hyperspace deploy the Al'kesh and gliders" countered Bra'tac.

One million kilometers from Tuat fifty six hyperspace windows opened. The imposing Ha'tak vessels began spewing forth two Al'kesh apiece followed by forty eight gliders per mothership. All combined the one hundred and twelve Al'kesh was escorted behind a massive wave of twenty six hundred gliders. Behind this vanguard force the fifty six Ha'tak vessels advanced.

"Enemy Ha'tak vessels are in orbit of the planet. They are seventy in number. Sensors are also detecting a much larger ship very similar to past Goa'uld flagships" said Cha'ra.

"Instruct all vessels to commence firing on the enemy fleet" ordered Bra'tac.

On command each Ha'tak of the Free Jaffa Nation opened fire. Aboard each vessel sixty staff cannons unleashed their highly powerful bolts of energy. Volley upon volley of cannon fire erupted from the fleet. The shields of the Lucian Alliance vessels flared upon impact but held firm. Massive volumes of fire steadily impacted the shields to the same effect.

"Why have they not returned fire when we are within range" asked Bra'tac.

"They cower in fear at the might of our forces" snarled Cha'ra.

"Or this is a trap" whispered Bra'tac.

Suddenly sensors bloomed with reports of multiple explosions. Five Jaffa Ha'tak fell within seconds of each other. Following their standing orders the armada broke into three separate elements to disperse the enemy fire that didn't appear to exist.

"Many vessels are reporting sudden explosions aboard. Sensors have not detected weapons fire from the Lucian Alliance fleet. How is this possible" asked Cha'ra.

Before an answer could be given ten more vessels fell to the mysterious attacker. While this bombardment occurred the Al'kesh and gliders continued toward the planet to press home their assault.

"Order all ships to cease fire" shouted Bra'tac.

"We must not cower in the face of our enemy Master Bra'tac" countered Cha'ra.

"These are Tobin mines. They seek out attacking ships. Somehow our enemies have either collected them for their own uses or built some of their own. Our ships must cease fire" answered Bra'tac.

Staff cannon fire ceased within seconds. Unknown to Bra'tac the Tobin mines possessed their own inertial propulsion system, and were programmed to home in on any offender within their sensor's range. Although no longer firing twelve more FJN Ha'tak were destroyed.

Aboard the Lucian Alliance mothership Mallic watched events unfold with a vicious grin on his face. The Jaffa had behaved as he knew they would and fallen directly into the trap that had laid in wait. Dialing in his commands he opened a subspace message to the attacking fleet.

"Forces of the Jaffa we have been expecting you. You are outnumbered and outgunned. Any attempt to fire on my forces will seal your fate and end in your destruction. Surrender now" hissed Mallic.

The Tobin mines were programmed to recognize the frequencies employed by weapons of Lucian Alliance vessels as friendly unlike those of the Jaffa. Lucian Ha'tak vessels opened up in a thunderous volley of fire at the incoming Jaffa gliders. Pressing home their attack the gliders continued on their course. Mallic's mothership charged its two hundred energy enhanced cannons and targeted the incoming Al'kesh. The pilots aboard the Al'kesh knew they stood very little chance against the might of the mothership but their sense of honor and duty to countrymen ensured they too pressed on towards the planet. Aboard these craft was the spearhead of the Jaffa ground attack.

In moments the gliders and transports were no more. Instantly the Lucian Alliance Ha'tak vessels turned their attention to the Jaffa Ha'tak fleet. Weapons fire burst forth aimed at the remains of the Jaffa fleet. Fire was returned, but it was no match. Concentrating their fire on the nearest Lucian vessels eight were destroyed but it was not enough. Jaffa numbers continued to dwindle.

"Jaffa vessels, I will offer you a chance to live only once. Surrender and live or fight and die. The choice is yours" said Mallic in an icy tone.

Refusing to bow to another oppressor the Jaffa forces continued their attack. Six more Lucian vessels were destroyed but at a cost of ten Jaffa Ha'tak. Bra'tac knew he was on the losing side of this battle. Retreat was not an option, but to press home an attack against superior ships wasn't much of an option either. Working quickly he sent word to the remaining ships of his armada what must be done. To a man they agreed. Opening a video subspace message to the Lucian commander he began to speak.

"Lucian Alliance forces, I am Bra'tac commander of the Free Jaffa Fleet. For too long our people cowered under our Goa'uld oppressors. Never again will we bow again. If I die I will die free" boldly stated Bra'tac.

With a signal the remaining three Jaffa vessels rapidly accelerated to full sub light speed. Their internal power cores set to overload within seconds. Side by side Bra'tac and Cha'ra watched as they drew closer and closer to the Lucian mothership.

"It has been an honor to fight beside you Master Bra'tac. In death we are free" said Cha'ra.

"Yes brother, in death we are indeed free" replied Bra'tac.

With shields already depleted Bra'tac's Ha'tak slammed bodily into the protective shield of the mothership milliseconds before the power core went critical and exploded.

True to his word Bra'tac embraced the darkness of death and once more tasted freedom. Only the dead know the end of war.