Chapter 48

The Pentagon, Earth

Within the E ring, the Pentagon's outermost ring laid the offices of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Once the largest office building in the world; the Pentagon had witnessed more technological advancements than its occupant's would ever admit. Normally events involving national security were discussed in the Chairman's office, but today larger matters would be discussed.

Sitting in the outer waiting room were three Navy officers, each the rank of Commander. All three men wore the badge of the submarine force on their dark blue dress uniform. Being a very competitive lot each of the men was used to being the alpha dog in his pack. In the silence of the waiting room the three men intently sized the other up. From a desk beside the door sat the Chairman's Aide De Camp, an Army Major.

"Gentlemen, General Maynard will see you now" said the Major.

Escorting the three naval officers into the General's office the Major placed their service jackets on the Chairman's desk before quietly leaving.

General Francis Maynard in his role as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs was a large supporter of the Stargate Program. His support had been crucial during the first days of President Hayes's administration. A career Army officer he considered this last posting before retirement to be the pinnacle of his adult life. With a wave of the hand he motioned for the three naval officers to take a seat.

"I think we can dispense with the formality for now. With what I am about to share with you I see no reason to have you report to me as if this was plebe summer at the academy" began the Chairman.

Each of the officers nodded their heads. The rumors apparently were true that General Maynard was a no nonsense straight from the hip type of man.

"What I'm about to disclose to you is one of the most tightly controlled black projects your country has ever undertaken. Historically this program has been under the purview of the Air Force but a recent manpower increase has made it necessary to include select members of the Navy. Make no mistake gentlemen any disclosure of even the smallest detail of what you are about to be briefed in on will result in a very long term in a military confinement facility, is that clear" asked Maynard.

"Very clear Sir" they answered in unison.

"For the better part of two decades the Air Force has operated the Stargate Program. During it's time in action we have traveled to several hundred worlds within this galaxy and several others. We have acquired very advanced alien technologies to include spacecraft, weaponry, medical advances, and in several instances the sum total of knowledge and understanding of certain races. Are you following me so far" asked Maynard.

The three Commanders knew that men of Maynard's rank didn't play practical jokes. What he was saying had to be true. The three men's jaws dropped momentarily before their composure returned.

"Everyone's jaw drops the first time they hear this so I'll continue on. I will only be giving you the high points and the little details and mission reports you can get up to speed on when you arrive at Area 51. Utilizing the lost city of Atlantis as a forward operating base in the Pegasus galaxy we are currently in a state of war with a hostile race known as the Wraith. Limited hostilities are ongoing within our own galaxy between our world and a group known as the Lucian Alliance. Luckily the three of you missed the Ori incursion. Hostilities with the Lucian Alliance came about due to our victory in the eight year long war with the Goa'uld which ended their stranglehold over our galaxy once defeated" calmly stated the Chairman.

"Atlantis" said Commander Pacheco questioningly.

"The briefing material will cover all of that Commander. Being that the three of you are due at Area 51 tonight we only have so much time to discuss this. According to the Chief of Naval Operations you three are the most hard charging and innovative submarine skippers the fleet has. It also helps that none of you are married. Each of you will be assigned a new command where you will put your skills to use in defense of your nation, your world, and the human race. Commander Pacheco you will be taking command of precommisioning unit Yorktown. Commander Tomlinson you will take command of precommisioning unit Lexington, and Commander Kline you will be taking command of precommisioning unit Saratoga. I wish you god speed in your commands of our latest intergalactic vessels gentlemen" said Maynard.

The three men stared at the General as if he were insane. From there the three started to trade looks with one another waiting to see who yelled "Gotcha" first.

Entering the Chairman's office his aide quickly took charge of the three stunned naval officers. To keep the schedule that was set for them they must leave now to meet with the puddle jumper that would fly them to Area 51. The major laughed to himself at the stunned look on the three men's faces remembering how he had felt once being briefed into the program.