Chapter 61


"Might I suggest we hedge our bets on this one and double down" asked Caldwell.

"Putting one Horizon on target against the replicators was dangerous enough and they didn't have a fleet in orbit. The Wraith aren't going to ideally sit by the wayside while two of our ships launch these at their hopes of victory on the planet below. Their going to put up a fight" said Ellis stating the obvious.

"Then we just need to come up with a bit of a distraction to keep them occupied while we launch. Sounds like something for our old friend Todd" said Sheppard.

"As you know the IOA has expanded the rules of engagement to allow for a first strike if the opportunity presents itself. In my opinion the opportunity has just knocked on the door" replied Woolsey.

"Carter, with Mr. Woolsey's permission grab Zelenka and anyone else from the science department you think you'll need. Let's get the Horizon aboard Apollo and Ares ready. Mr. Woolsey, if you don't mind reach out to Todd and tell him we are going to need an assist on getting this done" stated Sheppard.

"Consider it done Colonel" came Woolsey's reply.


"So who else is in the area" asked Colonel Eckhart.

"I've got multiple tracks sir. Do you want the entire run down" asked the sensor operator.

"Humor me" replied Eckhart.

"Frazier, Roma, Hermes, Dreadnaught, Le'Triumphant, Ajax, and Tria are all within sensor range. We have subspace tracks on nine other Aurora class ships further out sir" answered the sensor operator.

"If it hits the fan tomorrow when the super gate activates this is going to turn into one hell of a fur ball quickly" replied Eckhart.

Hoping that Destiny would return without fireworks the Colonel busily ensured his ship and crew were ready. Flight crews checked and rechecked the 302's and puddle jumpers. The pilots of which vented their stress with exercise in normal fighter pilot bravado. While Athena had seen combat before if a fight came this time it would be a much larger and far more dangerous conflict.

Entering his quarters Eckhart contented himself with the knowledge that he and his crew would do their duty and perform under extreme circumstances if needed. Sitting at his desk he closed his eyes as his ear piece came to life from the communications officer.

"Sir, Yorktown, Lexington, and Saratoga are now on station. I also have confirmation that Asgard vessel's will arrive in eighteen hours time"

"Confirm, thank you" responded Eckhart before taking a much needed nap.