Chapter 62


With great anticipation the crew went about their duties. Crowds had hovered on the observation deck watching the super gate's last module slide into place twenty four hours before. Seeing the giant wormhole settle within the boundaries of the gate for the first time had sent cheers through the spectators. Once testing of the gate was completed the assembled gathering knew it was simply a matter of hours before they were home free. Celebration was what everyone wanted but the standing order from Colonel Young prohibited any consumption of Mr. Brody's wonder punch as they had all taken to calling their onboard alcohol.

On the bridge systems were checked time and again mainly to pass the time. Orders from the Colonel were to make sure the shields and weapons were all operating at one hundred percent. Eli, Brody, and Rush busied themselves with that specific task. They had all noted that Young seemed tense, almost as if he knew something was coming.

Several decks below the bridge in the armory sat Young, Greer, Scott, James, and Varro. Full combat loads of magazines for each security team members G36 rifle were laid out on the table in the center of the room, along with a large amount of loaded pistol magazines.

"We all know the Alliance won't pass up the opportunity to come for Destiny Colonel" said Varro.

"I'm hoping you're wrong about that but I agree with you. All we can do is hope for the best and expect the worst" replied Young.

"We won't be having a repeat of last time sir" coldly replied Greer.

"Let's make certain we don't Sergeant" responded Young.

"Before we enter the gate we'll deploy all security teams into the corridors leading to the gate room. We'll have multiple interlocking fields of fire on each hatch" reassured Scott.

"I'm tempted to just vent the atmosphere out of the gate room until we're sure we're secure" replied Young.

"Don't do that sir. Besides, I've got a better way of handling this if the time comes" said Greer.

"And why don't you want me to do that Sergeant" asked Young.

"Because then we wont get to pry information out of them Sir" responded a smiling Greer.

"Sergeant Greer is correct Colonel Young. If intruders come aboard the situation can be defused in a much more effective manner" concluded Destiny.

Elsewhere Chloe and Dr. Park sat in the garden discussing how it felt to finally be going home. After Park lost her eyesight Chloe had become her one female touchstone. These conversations had become something they both counted on throughout the day as a way of keeping focused and hopeful.

"I just want to see my mom" said Chloe.

"That's just a short wait away. The first thing I want to do it enjoy a nice hot bath, and then change my clothes" replied Park.

"I think I've forgotten what it's like to actually have a closet full of different things to wear" laughed Chloe.

"Oh god I know" laughed Park.

"Now that it's all over and we're going home I can't help but think about everyone we've lost. It breaks my heart" said Chloe with her eyes beginning to tear up.

"You know better than most how tough this has been on everyone. All we can do is live each day to the fullest or we're wasting the gift of life that those we lost gave us" answered Park.

"Are you staying with the SGC once we're finally home" asked Chloe.

"I've thought a lot about that and I think I am. Where else can you work on the ragged fringe of science and also get your vision back" joked Park.

"I spoke to Rush about it. He and Camille seemed convinced that the SGC will ask me to stay on. The more I think about it the more I realize that it's what I should do. This program cost me my father, and if I can help make sure it saves someone else's dad its well worth it" said Chloe with a confidence her tone didn't convey.

The two women sat in silence for a period of time that could have been minutes or could have been hours. Finally they stood and began the walk back to their quarters. Both women made the walk in silence lost in thought over what was waiting for them back home.

On the bridge Colonel Young entered and took his seat in the captain's chair. Eli and Rush both turned from the front facing work stations to look at the Colonel. Seeing that they were looking at him expecting orders the Colonel smiled.

"You guys ready to go home" asked Young.

"You can say that again" laughed Eli.

"I believe everyone is ready Colonel" responded Rush.

"Well it's about that time. Rush, maneuver us into position of the gate" ordered Young.

With sub light engines coming to life Destiny began to maneuver into position for gate entrance, stopping just far enough away to allow the vortex to blossom without touching the ancient vessel. Engaging the ship wide intercom Young began to address all those aboard.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in a few short moments we will be entering the gate and returning to the Milky Way. All nonessential personal please return to your quarters now. This is just a safety precaution. Security teams please report to your assigned positions. I need everyone in place in three minutes. That is all" said Young into the intercom.

"There is our time marker. It's time to begin the dialing sequence" said Rush.

"Alright Rush, begin dialing. Eli, bring the shields up to full strength and deploy the main weapon. I want all weapons charged and ready" ordered Young.

"All weapons are already charged. Deploying the main weapon" responded Eli.

Beneath Destiny the large three barreled main weapon lowered from its recess. Locking into position at the ready the main weapon capacitors charged.

"Main weapon is charged and ready" stated Eli.

Looking out the windows of the bridge the three men watched as the eighty individual super gate modules began to course with massive amounts of energy. In a flurry of motion the unstable vortex rushed away from the event horizon before settling back into a rippling and shimmering surface within the gate.

"We have a stable wormhole Colonel" stated Rush.

"Ok Eli, take us into the gate. Give me one tenth sub light" ordered Young.

"Please bring all tray tables and seat backs to their full upright position" joked Eli.

With purpose Destiny began to enter the gate. The nose disappeared into the event horizon, and quickly the long tapering neck of the ship followed. Transfixed, the three men watched as the shimmering surface that was their ticket home inched closer and closer to the windows of the bridge. As the vessel entered the gate in full and was dematerialized time seemed to stop for all those on board. Finally, home.