Chapter 155


Standing in the nanite lab was an odd assortment of individuals. It is widely known that war can breed strange bedfellows but even that morsel of knowledge would be hard pressed to explain away the room's current occupants. Once enemies and now finding themselves working towards a shared goal, Todd spoke with Chaya Sar. Nervously standing between the two was Doctor Radek Zelenka. Chaya had been called in to verify the functionality of the product of Zelenka's labor, while Todd had been called in to verify its authenticity.

Sitting on the nanite creation table was that product of so many hours of hard work. Taking the form of a Wraith soldier, this mass of organic nanites was an evolution in terms of programming over previous iterations. Taking samples of Wraith soldier DNA, these building blocks had been used to build the finished product before them. Use of this DNA overcame the one stopping block of previous plans to infiltrate the Wraith; telepathy. Using his own telepathic abilities to peer into the Wraith hive mind, Todd searched the corners of the organic replicator's consciousness.

The Wraith soldier whom the basis DNA came from had served a queen long dead. The fact that this soldier was now also dead seemed to escape the minds of all present. Peering deep into the mind of the weapon that sat before him, Todd found himself once again impressed with Tauri resourcefulness. Had all mankind in Pegasus behaved in such a manner along with their ancient creators, Todd knew the Wraith would never have been able to lay claim to this galaxy. The thought troubled him on some level, and once again he was thankful for the day he made the acquaintance of John Sheppard.

As Todd went about his task, Chaya Sar was busy analyzing performance and function data from the organic replicator. Thus far all seemed to perform perfectly, which was surprising. Thinking back to the creation of the nanite weapon during the height of the war against the Wraith, Chaya remembered the difficulties her people's top minds had faced. That their creation had resulted in the development of a weapon that wished to be anything but a weapon if given the choice is something she opted to disregard.

"Your weapon will stand up to intense scrutiny by any Wraith who question its origin. The hive mind functions like that of a natural Wraith." Todd stated.

"The nanites are performing flawlessly. You have taken an idea and elevated it beyond even that of its creators. Well done Doctor." Chaya kindly stated in compliment.

"Then all that remains is deployment of the weapon." Zelenka replied.

"I will provide a list of locations conducive to this end." Todd stated.

Standing in stargate operations, Mr. Woolsey waited patiently for the all important conference taking place in the nanite lab to end. Once the answers found in this meeting were provided, Woolsey would quickly inform the SGC and request further instructions. At his duty station, Chuck was busy replying to a recently arrived subspace message in text format. Firing off his reply, Chuck turned towards Woolsey.

"Mr. Woolsey, we have confirmation of Galileo's arrival in Pegasus. They estimate their arrival here in two days but have just entered Pegasus space." Chuck stated to his expedition commander.

Milky Way Super Gate

Standing in line formation before the super gate were four Athena class vessels. Their mission was simple yet complex at the same time. Following Presidential Directive, this small task force of Tauri vessels was to proceed through the gate for the trip across the universe. Once there, course would be set for the Furling created obelisk planet. All of the materials and personnel necessary for a permanent off world outpost resided in the collection of vessels cargo and small craft bays.

The creation of this outpost would allow for greater support of the upcoming return of Destiny to the distant corner of the universe. Also providing a valuable foothold on an allied controlled world, the Tauri would utilize this position to explore a previously little explored galaxy. Staying true to their primary directive to secure alien technology, this dovetailed nicely with the expectation to support Destiny and her crew.

As the unstable vortex of billowed forth from the powerful gate modules, the individual warships raised their shields and powered weapons. It was unknown what might be waiting for them on the other side of this wormhole, so no chances were being taken. Advancing at minimum sublight, the four Athena's entered the event horizon, dematerialized, and vanished from the confines of the Milky Way.

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