Chapter 156


Forty five minutes earlier, the Aurora class vessel had exited hyperspace and established high orbit around Chulak under cloak. Recent developments in the war suddenly turned very hot against Traditionalist Jaffa forces brought about this sudden deployment on the other side of the Milky Way. While the powerful sensors scanned the planet beneath them for the small tracking beacon given to both Rak'nor and Ry'ac, they also took stock of many other things on Chulak. Once again, the Tauri were operating under the precept of trust but verify.

After locating the tracking beacons of the two Progressive sect Jaffa leaders, the two men's movements had been watched closely. Beaming the men away from the planet while surrounded by their countrymen would only serve to alert all that a Tauri or Asgard vessel was nearby. Waiting patiently, the sensor operators aboard Frazier kept a close eye on the two men and their surroundings. Half an hour later their effort was rewarded as the two men moved off together to less crowded surroundings. Following orders, the sensor operators immediately beamed the two men directly into a small conference room aboard the vessel. Already seated in this conference room was Lt. Colonel Paul Davis.

"Ry'ac, Rak'nor, welcome aboard the Frazier. Let me apologize for the unexpected transport." Davis began.

"This is a breech of the system of communications we've laid out." Rak'nor stated somewhat annoyed.

"It is always good to see anyone from your world Colonel." Ry'ac said pleasantly.

"Recent developments necessitated this meeting. That being the case, we have several matters to discuss." Davis explained.

"A rumor has been heard by many of an attack on the Traditionalist base of Dar Eshkalon." Rak'nor stated.

"Since this rumor began, the rebel forces have pulled back and avoided battle against our positions." Ry'ac added.

"An attack on Dar Eshkalon was mounted with elements of our ground forces. It was a successful strike with multiple casualties. The rebel base was neutralized, and intelligence was gathered. After our intelligence officials have evaluated what was found we will of course make it available to you. Before this operation began, our vessels detected two separate groups of Ha'tak class vessels both in the solar system and outside of it. As the ground assault progressed, these two groups of vessels jumped to hyperspace." Davis informed his guests.

"Why were these vessels not destroyed?" Rak'nor demanded.

"This mission was planned as strictly a ground assault. Our vessels in orbit were needed to support ground forces and unfortunately could not engage the Ha'tak's detected." Davis replied, lacking an apologetic tone.

"Colonel, we would hope that these vessels were destroyed or captured. With these vessels the rebels can mount an assault on Chulak itself." Ry'ac countered.

"Unacceptable!" Rak'nor fumed.

"The two groups of vessels that entered hyperspace were tracked by our forces, and entered our solar system. Divided into two separate attack groups, these vessels engaged Earth itself and a fleet anchorage site in the solar system. Both attack groups were subsequently destroyed, although one vessel attacking Earth did manage to enter hyperspace and affect an escape." Davis continued undeterred.

"The Ha'tak that you allowed to escape will be used against our worlds!" Rak'nor replied with anger building in his voice.

"You're glossing over the fact that the majority of them were destroyed on a direct assault on Earth. Let me remind you both that you asked for our assistance in this conflict. We are providing that, but we will not fight the war for you. Let's get back to the points I have to share. On your last visit to Earth, our sensors detected a cloaked vessel enter our solar system as well. It is our belief that this vessel followed you and reported your presence on our planet. Our estimation is that this directly led to the attack on Earth and our fleet anchorage facility." Davis said solemnly.

"Now you accuse of plotting against the Tauri?" Rak'nor hissed.

"That is not my intention, no. It is the opinion of my government that your command structure is compromised by the rebels. What makes most sense is that you have either a leak or one of your men is acting in concert with the enemy. Your command group is penetrated." Davis said firmly.

"I do not believe that anyone in our command would align themselves with Traditionalist forces." Ry'ac replied earnestly.

"Our experience with Goa'uld designed vessels and sensors let us know that they lack the ability to track a vessel in hyperspace. Since your vessel and this other one I mention exited hyperspace minutes apart, foreknowledge of your end destination was needed. That information could not be known unless it originated from someone within your trusted group of personnel." Davis continued.

"We will find this traitor." Ry'ac said confidently.

"I can only hope that you do, and we are willing to provide individuals proficient in these matters to assist you." Davis offered.

"Assistance in this matter is not needed. We will find the traitor using our own methods." Rak'nor said darkly.

"One can only hope that you do. After an attack on Earth, the level of anger in my government is palpable. If this conflict cannot be resolved to our satisfaction we will simply relocate the two factions in different galaxies. Make no mistake gentlemen; we do have the ability to bring that eventuality about." Davis stated sternly.