Chapter 178


Since their arrival in the great Tauri city the Tollan people called home, much had occurred. First, a time of healing and recuperation from their time in the wilds of Tollana began. Malnutrition, disease, parasite infestation, and long untreated injuries had diminished the ranks of the survivors in a slow and lingering battle that their lack of technology and basic services made combating impossible. Shambhala's medical department easily corrected these woes. Psychological treatment would take more time. Disclosure made possible an influx of mental health professionals to the city from Earth.

As good health was restored the plight of these people eased. The dream of rebuilding their civilization that had once seemed impossible now seemed upon them. As they had done once before, the Tollan race would rebuild and come back from the brink of destruction stronger than before. Already, scientists were at work on returning to their works of learning and discovery. Greatly aiding them in this task were the databanks transported from Tollan to their new home.

Recovery of the Tollan computer cores had been bittersweet. On one hand this had allowed for the preservation of the balance of their knowledge and scientific achievements. On the other, this had brought about the fall of Chancellor Travell's government and her subsequent suicide. The only benefit of the suicide had been the one foreseen by the city's AI; prevention of divisions arising within the Tollan people. Unfortunately, the fallout from revelations discovered within the banks of knowledge was not yet complete.

The sudden fall of the Travell government had necessitated opening portions of the Curia database restricted from free access. Bypassing the security partitions protecting this restricted portion of the system had taken time. The amount of time needed for this was a testament to the level of security that had been in place. Finally, these barriers had come crashing down. What was found would force a total reevaluation of the basic principle the Tollan people held as their driving principle.

It was this discovery that Narim needed to discuss with Camille Wray. In her he had found a guiding light that provided the strength the new Chancellor needed. Making his way to the observation deck high atop the city's main tower, Narim found her looking out over Shambhala.

"Would you be agreeable to my joining you?" Narim asked.

"Not at all Chancellor, be my guest." Camille replied.

"I'm only Chancellor until we hold elections. I thank you." Narim said with a smile.

"It's my understanding that you are ahead in the polls." Camille stated.

"That's correct. Far be it from me to walk blindly forth with preconceived expectations." Narim conceded.

"To what do I owe the honor of this visit?" Camille asked politely.

"I've come to discuss a delicate matter." Narim replied.

"A delicate matter? I'm all ears." Camille prompted.

"The death of Chancellor Travell brought about the need to access certain Curia only portions of the Tollan database. While I expected surprises, I must say that I did not expect a rude shock." Narim began.

"Seeing the actions of ones government after the fact has a way of bringing unpleasant surprises." Camille agreed.

"What I have learned could very well change how your people view my own." Narim said with trepidation.

"Now you have my full attention. Narim, my people view the Tollan as an ally. Nothing former members of your government did will change that." Camille replied reassuringly.

"I can only hope that is so. As you are aware, the cardinal directive of my people is to never share our technology with a technologically inferior race. It was that rule preventing technology exchange between our two people a few short years ago." Narim explained.

"That didn't exactly endear your people to my government." Camille conceded.

"Understandably so it seems. I have recently discovered that the directive is nothing more than subterfuge. The Curia adopted this policy while telling the people that this would prevent a lesser race from destroying themselves like those on Sarita once did." Narim stated.

"Keep in mind that while I have looked over the mission reports and background information that pertain to your people, I'm far from an expert on the subject." Camille warned.

"We once called the planet Tollan home. In our solar system on the planet of Sarita was a race roughly matching Earth's level of technology when you began your stargate program. As an act of friendship my race provided the Saritan's with a fusion device capable of all the clean energy they could use. This device was used as a weapon instead, and resulted in the destruction of Sarita, and to a lesser extent Tollan. Atleast that is what we have all been led to believe." Narim continued.

"Are you saying the database doesn't support that belief?" Camille asked.

"Not only does it contradict this belief, it shows that this was nothing but a lie meant to cover a far worse truth. Had the Curia disclosed the information I'm about to share with you to our people at the time, it would have been understood to a certain degree. The fact that the information was instead hidden makes that impossible. It seems that the act of providing the Saritan's with the fusion device instead of solidifying a lasting friendship instead brought about war. Once the device was in their hands, the Saritan's forwarded a list of technology demands. Were these demands not met, they made clear their intent to take what was requested by force." Narim explained.

"Go on." Camille prompted cautiously.

"Instead of attempting to negotiate with the Saritan's, the Curia mobilized for a debilitating first strike. The story we all believed was that the fusion device was used for war, and it appears that this is somewhat the case, only the fusion device used was built for the purpose of striking Sarita. This second device was secreted to Sarita and detonated without warning. The resulting explosion destroyed the planet, its people, and resulted in the altering of Tollan's orbit forcing our evacuation." Narim stated sadly.

"The fact that these people were blackmailing your world and threatening use of military force is a mitigating factor Narim." Camille added weakly.

"It in no way mitigates the fact that we have been living a lie promoted by our own government." Narim responded with sorrow in his voice.

While this conversation was taking place, Elizabeth Weir stood waiting near the stargate. As a former diplomat, the duties to welcome visiting foreign delegations rested with her. Truth be told, it was a duty she not only welcomed but enjoyed. Exiting the gate was a blond haired man with a slim build and an infectious smile. Seeing Weir standing at the ready, the man quickly made his way directly to her with an extended hand.

"This is an amazing city! It's a pleasure to see you again Doctor Weir." The man said brightly.

"It's an honor to have you here Ambassador Quinn." Weir replied formally.

"Please, just Jonas if you don't mind." Quinn requested.

"Very well. If you are open to it, I thought we would tour the new intergalactic conference center." Weir suggested.

"Of course. Will I be able to see more of the city during my stay?" Jonas asked.

"I don't think anyone will mind that. General O'Neill sends his regards." Weir stated.

"Would you mind telling him hello for me when you get the chance?" Jonas asked.

"It would be my pleasure. Now, if you will follow me we'll begin our tour." Weir said with a motion of her hand towards the transporter booth.

Over the course of the next three hours Weir guided the ambassador on a tour of the conference center and surrounding buildings. Overcome by the man's infectious excitement to see more of the city, Weir was soon showing him other areas. At his request, Weir led him to a vantage point near the conference center that allowed for the cityscape to be seen. Standing there looking over the city, Jonas neatly shifted from tourist to visiting diplomat.

"During my time with SG-1 I learned that no other planet in this galaxy but Earth could make a city such as this possible in our galaxy." Jonas offered.

"It's true that we've come far over the course of the stargate program. Free of oppression at the hands of the Goa'uld, Ori, and Lucian Alliance one day your planet may look very much like this city." Weir replied.

"My planets leadership hopes that day comes sooner rather than later. It's with that in mind that they have instructed me to make certain technology requests." Jonas stated.

"On the record I will tell you that as your world is aware, all technology requests must be lodged with the SGC. I am more than happy to forward your requests to the SGC in my report. Off the record I will say that I doubt your requests will be granted. The reason being the lack of cooperation in dialing Destiny." Weir explained.

"Langaran leadership assumed as much, and have offered to provide that support if our request is approved." Jonas replied.

"That's very kind, but alternative accommodations were found. Destiny returned to this galaxy some time ago." Weir countered.

"Now that we have that formality out of the way, I'm hoping to continue the tour!" Jonas said earnestly.