Chapter 179


The coming redeployment of Destiny meant that preparations were being checked and then rechecked. Maintaining a high operational tempo, Destiny continued performing a scheduled series of short hops around the Milky Way. The purpose of these hops was twofold; evaluate the performance of onboard systems and also to assist in crew training. When she finally resumed her mission she would be crewed by a team trained in the operation of the myriad of systems she was composed of.

Lessons learned from recent events that necessitated the towing of Athena back to Arkos for repairs were being applied to her much older sister. Were the Destiny to find herself in a similar situation, a quick tow to a speedy repair would not be an option. Realistically, could the crew not perform repairs on their own; the mission would come to a quick end. To that end, steps were being taken that several years before would have never been considered.

Within the interior of Destiny at ten separate points, individual holding containers were being installed. Connected to these holding containers was an interlocking series of one inch conduits that when completed would run throughout the length of the ancient vessel. This system would allow for the distribution of the nanite slurry held within each container. Making use of raw materials palletized in a cargo hold, these nanites would be able to replicate any component of any system Destiny possessed. These nanites were programmed specifically for this purpose. In coming months this system would be added to all vessels of the Tauri fleet to include city ships.

The docking slips away from Destiny sat the Athena. Repair efforts had been ongoing since her arrival, and were scheduled to be complete in several days. The extent of her damaged systems had been greater than suspected during her tow to Arkos. Hyper drives burned out from the overwhelming amount of raw power flowing into them during the Hala's chase were to be replaced with a new hybrid design similar to a city ships star drive. Weapons burned out for overpowering had been replaced. When complete, the Tauri flagship would once again be a force to be reckoned with.

Hours earlier, the Ajax had arrived. Docked beside her sister ship Athena, the Ajax would soon begin receiving her slated upgrade. Replacing her zpm's with the new Arcturus device, she would soon be the next in her class to be fitted with the potent power source. During the fitting out and resupply of the vessel, her commanding officer made his way aboard his former command; Destiny.

Walking through the dim corridors of the ship he had called home for two long years, Colonel Young's mind flooded with memories at every turn. So much had changed since those first days after gating from Icarus in panic. Back then he could have never imagined what the future held. Knowing now how it had turned out, Young had to believe that it had been well worth the price of a few years away from everything he knew. Entering the bridge, Young looked around and took note of Rush sitting at a console while the new commanding officer of Destiny sat in the command chair. Seeing Young's arrival, Colonel Davidson stood and extended a hand in welcome.

"Welcome aboard! It's good to see you Everett." Colonel Davidson began.

"Good to see you also Ian. Congratulations on your new command. She's a great ship." Young replied.

Hearing the familiar voice, Rush managed to tear himself away from the screen that had consumed his attention for the last hour. Rising quickly, he too made his way to the new arrival.

"Colonel Young, this is an unexpected surprise. Good to see you." Rush said crisply.

"Hello Rush. Good to see you too." Young replied.

"How goes things in Pegasus?" Davidson asked.

"Same story different bad guy." Young answered casually.

"I'm sure you will handle it with the same dedication you showed to Destiny's mission." Rush said, paying a rare compliment.

"Rush is a good man Colonel. He'll be there to pull your feet out of the fire when needed." Young added.

"I was looking over the tentative roster of ships escorting us back during the return. Couldn't help but notice that the Ajax is on it." Davidson threw in.

"Ah, so you will be coming back with us then Colonel Young?" Rush asked.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Young replied.

The three men made their way to the ships mess hall. Once there they sat down and began going over information both Rush and Young felt Davidson should be aware of. Before the conversation was done, Davidson would have first hand accounts from both men on what to expect from the races that had already been encountered.

Elsewhere within Arkos several other events were unfolding. The Asgard had arrived to take delivery of the Arcturus device they had requested. Soon, this device would power the Asgard vessel Hala. A separate team of Tauri technicians was busy nearby, passing nanite creation terminals through the active stargate. The terminals destination; Shambhala.