Chapter 2 Captured

Waking up, the first thing I feel is my dry throat begging for water. Confused, I try to stand up only to feel that my hands and feet are bound by metal shackles.

"Hey, one of them is awake" I hear from above me. Looking up, I see a human man sitting on top of a cage. Then it all comes back to me, the raid. Humans attacking my clan, killing all the warriors, and capturing the women, and children.

They came into my families tent, 10 of them, with swords, and clubs. My father was out leading a raid on a nearby rival clan. Only my father's two wives and me, a 12 yr old orc boy were left to defend ourselves. My older brothers, and sisters all left as soon as they were of age to build their own clan far way from Uthred.

They killed one of the wives, before knocking the other out. Then they circled me, I only had a dagger my father gave me for my tenth birthday.

I knew I couldn't win, there were too many, and I was too weak. But no fucking way was I going to just let them take me. Rushing one of the humans, I lower my shoulder and slam into his stomach, knocking him to the ground.

Catching him off guard, I shove the thin dagger into his exposed throat several times before I'm dragged off.

As I am beaten with the clubs, the sound of the filthy human choking on his blood before dying is the only thing that comforts me as I fall unconscious to a blow to the head.

My head still pounding from the pain, I look around. I'm in a large cage on a large wagon with several other orcs, chained as I am. Several humans on horses with bows and swords ride around the cage.

"I heard you killed one of the soldier's boy, they have a special buyer for you. You are gonna be put straight in hell. Which is where all you filthy pigskins belong." says the man above me before spitting on me.

"So I'm going to be sold, Uthred said that humans have been quiet lately, it unsettled him. I hope he will be able to find us in time" I think worried.

The day drags on, some of the other orcs wake up, they look around in confusion before realizing the same thing I did. Our only hope is if the raiding party comes back in time to track us down.

Finally, night arrives, they open the cage and hand each of us a cup of water and bread. The men on horses have their bows drawn, ready to shoot any of us who try to attack.

I drink the water desperately, it barely quenches my thirst before tearing into the bread, eating half, and saving the other in case they dont feed us every day.

Then I try to get comfortable before falling into a fitful sleep. I wake up to the sound of whimpering, and a man cursing in the middle of the night. Looking over I see one of the humans raping one of the female orcs they had captured.

Powerless, all I can do is turn over, and try to black out the sounds. I don't get to sleep, rage keeps me up the rest of the night. Rage at those disgusting humans with their honorless, deceitful, backstabbing ways.

The next morning, I look at the orc women who had suffered. Her eyes were dead, a bruise forming on her cheek.

To distract myself, I go over the lessons Uthred had taught me. I test the restraints, trying to see if I can slip my way out of them, even if I have to break my wrist first.

It's no use, they have bound me too tight to get enough momentum to break it. Sighing, I wait until night and try to figure out where we are by the stars like Uthred taught me.

Based on the position of the stars, I guess that we have been heading northwest, cutting through no man's land, before turning north. Now we are heading straight for one of the major human cities.

"If only I had a totem, I could break free from these restraints, and escape," I think.

Orcs go through a rite of passage at the age of 15 that connects us to a totem. Each totem gives unique powers, though it comes at a cost. Each power has side effects, negative effects that can be either temporary or permanent depending on the totem.

What I would give to have my father, Uthred's Bloodfyre totem right now. It creates blood-red flames that can be manipulated at will. The drawback is that it also burns your blood, thus the longer you use it, the more damage you do to yourself.

"Almost there pigskins, Wake up, I need you to be alert, and lively looking for your buyers," says the man on top of the cage.

An hour later, we arrive and a small fort. Entering I can see several groups of humans that seem to be waiting for us.

"Alright, get out one at a time, slowly"

Sore, and aching from bruises, I shuffle out, before being grabbed and shoved towards a group that seems different than the others.

The rest of the groups are dressed in lavish clothes, they are all fat and loud. The group I was dragged towards is dressed in dark brown leather armor, They stare at me with a burning intensity.

"This is the one you wanted to sell to us?" one of them asks.

"Yes, he killed one of the soldiers during the raid. Plus he is the son of someone you might know"


"He is the youngest son of Uthred Drakeslayer"

"...How much?" the man asks, his interest in me increased when my father's name was mentioned.

They haggle over me, before using their stupid pieces of metal as currency before the soldier hands me over.

"Welcome to the Ravagers boy"