Chapter 3 The Ravagers

As soon as I heard them refer to themselves as Ravagers, I knew I was in trouble.

They were a mercenary group until they managed to find a deserted ancient city. Taking it over, they decided to specialize in a city of sin.

The main attraction though was the Arena. A fighting pit, where they would have slaves, and animals fight each other.

In constant need for fighting slaves, Ravagers had focused on orcs. Constantly raiding in our lands, they were a menace. I had heard that my father had killed several raiding parties over the years. To the point, there was a bounty on his head.

"Come in boy, gotta get you back so Old Bloodymaw can get you into fighting form for us. Haha, when everyone finds out I got Uthred Drakeslayers, son, I will get to charge double to see you fight." said the leader of the group.

He was tall for a human, nearing my father in height, thin, several scars covering his face.

They dragged me to a caged wagon similar to the one I was in before, several other slaves are already inside. Only 3 of them were orcs, the others were a mixture of elves and beastkin.

They all look me over before quickly looking back down, I study the other orc, curious if I recognize any of them.

One of them I do, a little bit older than me, he was the son of one of the warriors in my fathers reading party.

We make eye contact and nod towards each other. I feel better knowing, someone, I can trust is with me. Settling down, the cage door closes behind me.

We start heading to Ravager city, I look around hoping to find some sign of an ambush, but none ever arrives.

We arrive at the city, I stare at it with curiosity, this will be the first human city I have ever seen.

Looking around, I see brothels, gambling dens, duel arenas everywhere. It seems like Ravager city really lives up to the moniker "City of Sin"

"There it is boy, where you are going to spend the rest of your life," says one of the men pointing ahead. I look forward and am shocked.

A giant building is ahead, easily 3 to four times larger than any of the others. Circular, with seating all around. It gives off an ancient, timeless feeling.

"Welcome to the Coliseum"

Entering the Coliseum, we reach a large stone door, it opens revealing the most terrifying orc I have ever seen.

An albino, with near translucent skin, nearly 7 1/2 ft tall, his body has more scars than skin. His lower face is covered in burns, his tusks so long they could be used as weapons, his red eyes glaring at us with an insane rage.

"These are the new welps?" he asks, his voice virtually destroyed from the burned vocal cords.

"Yup got a couple of promising ones too. They just need your attention Bloodymaw." says one of the slavers before laughing.

As I look as Bloodymaw closer, I notice something odd, His totems are the most basic of totems one can receive, one being a green serpent on his neck which gives you basic healing, and the other, a stone on each hand which turns your hands as strong as stone.

Bloodymaw notices me staring at him.

"What are you looking at welp?" he snarls,

I look him straight in the eyes, seeing nothing but his insane rage.

"A traitor, that's what I'm looking at," I say, my contempt for him clear in my voice.

"Hahaha, well keep that hate during the training sessions" he taunts.

They open the cage, having us get our one at a time until we are all standing in a line. Bloodymaw walks down the line, inspecting us. He sends the weaker looking members to what he calls the "Agoge". I'm one of the ones selected to go.

As I walk towards the door, the human's smirk, and laugh taunting me. I hold the rage I feel in my heart, letting it burn.

As I walk inside, I make a vow to myself. I will get my revenge against these filthy humans, and that race traitor Bloodymaw.

Inside the Agoge, it's dark, little to no light. I'm taken to a small cage, put inside and ignored. The cage is so small, I have to squat uncomfortably. After hours my legs tremble and burn.

Finally, I hear footsteps, looking up I see the pale orc Bloodymaw again. Snarling at him, I wait.

He stands in front of the cage, smirking as he watches me tremble. After several long minutes, he opens the cage and lets me out.

"Come on welp, it's time for your training."

Dragging me by a chain attached to a collar. I stumble as my legs give out. He takes me through a dark tunnel. It opens up to a large sand arena. The sand is covered in stains I suspect is blood.

I see a group of other slaves, all young or weak looking. He motions for me to join the group before addressing us.

"From now on you are all under my supervision. I chose you because you are all too weak to fight now. But when I'm done you will either be dead, or ready to fight. Now start running laps now! no stopping until I say!"