Chapter 2 Masquerade

Masquerade: I sense strong powers form someone here and I want them

Name: Masquerade

Occupation: Villain

Power: flame

Sara: It's Masquerade

Dan: what do we do

Sara starts to think

Sara: I'll distract her you guys get off the bus and run for help

Jake: no way we're not leaving you her alone

Sara: you don't have a choice now go

Sara gets of the bus and starts to distract her

Sara: hey wrinkles over here

Masquerade:(angrily) What did you call me

Sara: heh you really are old if you didn't here what I said

Masquerade: you little brat

She creates a fireball🔥 and throws it at Sara

Sara uses here telekinesis and throws it back at her masquerade gets bad and creates flames around her

Sara: Cosmic Manipulation Freeze

her flames freeze

Masquerade: you your the one I'm looking for the great power

Sara: you are insane

masquerade throws another fire ball and hits Sara and she goes flying

Sara: Ahhhhhhhh

Finally a hero comes but not just a hero the number 1 hero

Red Night: Are you all right

Name: Red Night

Occupation: hero

powers: strength flying and the rest is unknown

Sara: I'm fine

He fights masquerade and holds her off finally he knocks her out

Sara's Thoughts: ow I didn't realize before but she burned me pretty badly

Red Night walks over to her

Red Night: Are you sure your alright that burn looks pretty bad

Sara: yeah I'm fine I've had worse

Masquerade gets up quietly and starts to walk over

Sara: Cosmic manipulation Obsidian cell

Masquerade: how dare you you brat

Red night turns around and then looks back at Sara

Red Night: That's an interesting power you have I've truly never seen anything like it

Sara: thank you I should go find my friends I'll leave you to deal with her

Sara runs off

Red Night: definitely interesting

Jake: Sara over here

Sara: hey are you all ok

Jake: are you look at yourself you need to get that checked out

Sara: I can't the test...

Jillian: the test was postponed till tomorrow let's just get you to a doctor

Sara: (sigh) Fine