Chapter 3 Questioning/ The Test

Detective Warren: Tell us you may be a villen but we know how you work you don't do anything unless it has to do with you or your boss

Masquerade: My boss sensed a strong but young power and he wants the person who possess it

Detective Warren: what power who has it

Masquerade: if I tell you you'll try to protect her but her power I'll tell you that her power is cosmic manipulation

detective Warren: and what does your boss want with this girl

Masquerade: Who knows I'm just doing my job

Detective: Put her back in her cell

Red Night: what did you find out

Detective Warren: Apparently her boss is after a girl with the ability of cosmic manipulation

Red Night: Wait cosmic manipulation that's the power the girl I saved had

Detective Warren: Did you get her name

Red Night: Unfortunately not don't worry we will find her I'm sure

next day

Jake: are you sure your up for this test

Sara: Jake there is nothing on this planet that will make me miss this test got it

Jake: (sigh) Yeah let's go before we're late

principal: hello everyone I believe it is fair to warn you that this test will be testing you and your abilities and only a very small few of you will get in knowing said that let's begin the test

everyone lined up getting ready for the test to come, and once this gate opens it'll be like a life or death situation. witch means no holding back and no giving up.