Chapter 4 I MUST PASS!!!

The gates open and everyone runs inside

Sara:. I Refuse to fail

giant robots come out and everyone starts to attack

Sara:(cosmic manipulation) earthquake

her eyes glow and the area around her starts to shake with the earth quake she takes out 1 robot

Jake: well I didn't know you could do that

Sara smile and says

Sara: there's a lot of things you don't know about me

Sara: now let's go

???: Ahhhhh help

Jake: What was that

Sara: it sounds like someone got hurt let's go

Jake: Sara we can't we have to complete the test

Sara stops and turns to look at Jake

Sara: Jake Being a hero is saving everyone even when you don't want to. just because it's a test doesn't mean it's gonna stop me

Sara runs away

???: plz I need help

Sara: hold on I'm coming

Sara: crap she's covered in robot parts

Sara uses her telekinesis to lift up the robot parts and move them

Sara: are you hurt and what's your name

jazzy: I'm jazzy and I think I'm ok thank you for saving

Name: Jazzy

Occupation: student

Ability: animal shifter

Sara: I'm Sara and if I want to be a hero it's my job now let's finish this test together

jazzy: ok!!!!

Jazzy changed into a gorilla and the girls started running defeating just about every robot until they got to the last one by then they reunited with Jake and we're fighting it together but Jake got hurt and because of this Sara had gotten mad and finally had enough


Sara's eyes start to glow and everything around starts to float

Sara: Jazzy stand back

jazzy backs up afraid of what's about to happen

Sara: (Cosmic Manipulation) Annihilate

She destroys the robot with one word and passes the test