Chapter 5 The first day

Sara: Jake are you ready

Jake: yeah

Sara: let's go

they walk down the street and bump into someone

Sara: oh sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going

Brian: it's ok it was my fault to I'm Brian and you

Sara: oh I'm Sara and this is Jake nice to meet you

Brian: same hey are you two going to WHHS to

Jake: yeah

Brian: great let's walk together

Sara: ok c'mon then

at school orientation

Principal: Hello students I am proud to say that anyone who is standing in this room today have worked hard to get here and I am proud of you all now I would like to introduce one of our new teachers who I'm sure you've heard of. Red Night

everyone claps

Red Night: hello everyone

He stops for a second when he notices Sara then goes back to talking

Red Night: the journey to become a hero is hard but if your will is strong enough then I believe you can all become heros

soon the orientation finished and everyone went to there homerooms

Miss. Jane: hello I am your teacher Miss. Jane but I'm sure you all know me as skylight

Name: skylight (Jane)

Occupation: hero/teacher

ability: Light

Miss. Jane: over the next few weeks all of you will be doing training during the last bit of the training you all will first be doing a simulation of what it's like to save people

Miss. Jane: now for the rest of today get to know each other cause your gonna need to like each other when you all are working together

Brian: hey Sara

Sara: oh hey

Emily: hi I'm Emily

Sara: oh hello I'm Sara

Dylan: hi I'm Dylan

everyone just walked up to me and we all became friends that day except...

Jessie: I don't know how you got in this school Sara but you will regret it

Sara: Jessie I got in here with my own will and abilities just like you and I hope we can become better with each other

Jessie: yeah like I believe that

and that's how my first day went. little did I know that the first day of school would be the end of my normal because after that day I'm not kidding when I said everything changed

To Be Continued