Chapter 6 First fight

Soon 2 weeks passed and it was time for our first fight we would be fighting our own classmates while trying not to hurt them

Red Night: ok so in the first round Sara and Brian will be a hero team and Jake and jessie will be the villain team the goal for the hero team is to get the weapon and the Villain team will protect it. now get into places everyone

Sara and Brian get in to position and the first round soon starts

Sara: Here's the plan Jake's power is elemental witch means he can control any element witch puts him at a better advantage of protecting the weapon. Jessie's power is explosion so she is good a close combat and knowing her she is going to come for me while she makes Jake protect the weapon so I'll distract Jessie and you get the weapon got it

Brian: got it

Sara: good let's moving

Jessie: Sara I know your here somewhere come out so I can blow you up

Sara:(Cosmic Manipulation) iron cell

Jessie: you brat

Jessie blows up the cell and starts attacking Sara. Sara uses her telekinesis and throw Jessie. Jessie gets back up and starts attacking once again

mean while

Emily: Excuse me Red Night there going to be ok right I mean Jessie looks like she wants to kill her

Red Night: Don't worry if it gets to out of control I'll stop them

Jessie continues to try to hit and blow up Sara but she uses her telekinesis to dodge every time

Jessie: c'mon use all of your power on me I know for a fact you have more than this

also meanwhile

Brian: there it is all I need to do is wait for this dumbass to look away.

Brian's thoughts: (sigh) God I can't wait till my mission is over then I can finally go home

back at the fight with Jessie and Sara the girls are going full force and Jessie finally severely injures Sara


Sara: ahh

Sara's Thoughts: ah what do I do I have to stall for time

Sara slowly gets up clenching her side in pain

Sara: you have given me no other choice Jessie I'm sorry

Sara's eyes start to glow and and she uses cosmic manipulation

Sara: (Cosmic Manipulation) EARTHQUAKE!!!!!

the entire area shakes and as Jessie is trying to keep her balance Sara traps her

Sara:(Cosmic Manipulation) OBSIDIAN CELL!!!

an Obsidian cell comes around Jessie and she is trapped

Jake: it's time

Jake combines all of his elemental powers and causes the building to crumble and fall during this tho Brian is able to get the weapon and the hero team wins but it's not over yet

Jake: Nooooo

Sara: what's going on why is the building collapsing

Sara uses her telekinesis to hold up what's left of the building but is unsure of how long she can keep it up

Sara: (Cosmic Manipulation) OBSIDIAN CELL RELEASE!!!

the cell disappears and Jessie is free


Jessie: I hate to say this but what about you

Sara: I'll be fine just get them out

Jessie runs to get the other 2 out and Sara is left alone

Emily: Sir what do we do she can't hold that forever

Red Night: Stay here I'll get Sara

Sara's Thoughts: crap I can't hold it much longer. OH NO!!!

Apart of the ceiling comes down and hits Sara in the head and she is knocked unconscious and gets covered in debris

Dylan and Emily: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!

To Be Continued