Chapter 9 talk with a hero

Sara's Mom walks out of the room and sees someone leaning against the wall

Red Night: Mind if we have a little talk

Mom: About what

Red Night: Sara

Mom: What about her

Red Night: I think you know who is after your daughter

Sara's mother stops walking in surprisement and turns around

Mom: I have know clue what you are talking about

Red Night: if you care for your daughter then you must tell me

Mom: (sigh) fine

Mom: It's her father, he knows of the power Sara holds, and knows her potential he wants to take her and some how convince her to be a villain but he knows I won't allow it

Red Night: how so

Mom: I don't use my ability often but I promise you it is stronger then is telekinesis and he knows that


they run back into the room and see Sara fighting off a villain

Mom: SARA!!!!

Sara: (Cosmic Manipulation) stone

Her eyes glow and he turns to stone Sara falls against the wall and sighs in relief that it is over

Sara: Mom I think it's time you tell me what's going on.