Chapter 10 The Truth

Sara: Mom I think it's time you tell me the truth

Mom: (Sigh) I think your right. it all started when I was in high school and met your father

23years ago

( Authors note: in this part of the story Sara's mom's name will be different it will be Emma since that is her real name)

Emma: Jess c'mon were gonna be late

Emma runs ahead with her head facing jess, she then bumps into someone and falls to the ground

Emma runs her head while she says

Emma: ow

Jess: Emma are you ok

David: omg I'm so sorry I wasn't looking are you alright

he helps her up she looks down brushing herself off saying

Emma: yes I'm fine it was mostly my fault I should have been paying more attention

Emma looks up and sees his face and stares for a minute then comes back to reality and says her name

Emma: I'm Emma

David: David, what's your ability

Emma: cosmic manipulation yours

David: telekinesis

present day

Mom: that was the first day we met after that we had a few more meetings and he finally asked me out a few years later tho I noticed he was starting to change

18 years ago

Emma runs into Davids office

Emma: David I have amazing news

David: What is it Emma I'm busy

Emma: I'm pregnant!!!!

He stops what he is doing gets up and turns around to look at Emma

David: I'm gonna be a father

Emma: yes

David: yesssssss!!!!!

14 months later

David is holding his 5 month old baby and talking to her

David: oh my little Sara your mother doesn't know yet but you will become a great and powerful villain one day

Emma with a shocked look on her face

Emma: What did you say

David turns around in shock

David: E-Emma I thought you were going to the store

Emma: I forgot my wallet

Emma: give me my daughter

David: Emma listen


Emma: (Cosmic Manipulation) TELEPORTATION TO ME

Sara appears in her arms


David: Emma plz

Emma: LEAVE!!!

David: fine but in 16 years I will come back and take her and you will not stop me

he leaves

present day

Mom: that is all I know

Sara: So that's what happened

Red Night: don't worry Sara well figure something out

Sara: I know