Feel Free to Back Off

Elena and William arrived at the amusement park after 30 minutes ride.

Elena got out of the car and stood in front of an iconic castle like building that everyone in the world knew - it was The Disneyland!

Elena had never come to this kind of place in her 25 years of life. Her life was full of troubles that she couldn't even enjoy herself. The moment this place was built, she could only stared at the promotional picture. It was like a dream that had finally fulfilled. She was so excited that her eyes lit up the moment she realized she was actually in The Disneyland. "Wil...darling, we're going to date here?" Elena asked as she covered her mouth so she would not scream out of excitement.

William nodded, "Yes." He already looked at her from the beginning. He loved to see her smile over something this trivial. She was different with other women. If it was other women he was sure that they would react like Elena.

William hold her hand and intertwined their fingers. He asked her in pampering tone. "What do you want to play? I'll go with you."

Elena didn't know what to say. This was her very first time for her to play in the amusement park. She asked him back. "What dou you want to play?"

"I'll play whatever you play."

Elena blushed by his sudden remark yet she still turned her calm facade on. She pondered for a while before she came up with an idea. "I watched some romance movies which main characters date in theme parks. If i don't have mistaken, they would wear animal headband?" Elena tilted her head as she was not really sure.

"En. Let's go." William smiled at her and went to the place where the headbands were selled with her.

Without their knowledge,, some hours had passed.

Elena hold William's hand as she walked to the parking lot. She grinned like a child whose mother had just gave her a lollipop. .

Elena wore tiger ears headband while William put rabbit ears headband on his head. The headbands looked childish but it was oddly good on them. As he looked at her, he was instantly infected by her happiness. He also grinned broadly. He was glad that she like their date itinerary.

William opened the door car for Elena and walked around to the driver seat. He fastened his seatbelt and glanced at Elena. He was ready to drive the car when Elena suddenly stopped him.

Elena looked at him smilingly, "Darling, Thanks a lot." Some memories flashed past in her mind. Unknowingly, her eyes blurred as moisture escaped from her eyes. She

A pang of pain hit William's heart. He didn't know why she would thank him and cried all of sudden. He wiped her tears that was flowing uncontrollably with his fingers. At that moment, he didn't know what to say because he had no idea about why she cried. He only replied, "No. It's me who should thank me. I'm glad that you wanted to be with me. If you have any problems or something that bother you, i'll listen to you. Don't hesitate to let me know." William hugged and patted her back, trying to ease her mood.

"En..." Elena replied. Her tears kept flowing and drenched his clothes.

After some minutes, Elena finally pulled herself from the embrace. "Just stay with me at my apartment today. Don't go back please."

William was both overjoyed and sad at the same time after he heard her invitation. He was overjoyed because it was her first time to invite him to her apartment. He always thought that he would be the first to invite her to his house yet she was one day earlier than what he had planned. But, he also sad because Elena must need a comfort. He would rather choose her indifferent and contempt look than her tears. "En. Let's go back."

Elena finally arrived at her apartment. William hold her hand and went into the elevator together with her. Elena pressed the floor button. She lived in the sixth floor. Both of them didn't speak. They just hold their hands but they could feel warmth in the air.


The elevator finally reached her apartment's floor. She went out together with William. From the elevator, she turned left and walked past two units before she stopped at a door.

It was her apartment.

Elena rummaged the key from her bag. She invited William to come in. "Darling, come in."

William got into her apartment. His eyes wandered around as he kept walking until he found sofa to sit.

Elena's apartment had two bedrooms. It had kitchen that connected to the living room, only separated with kitchen island. Her apartment was simple. It was a combination of black, white and grey. There were not too many accessories as Elena preferred everything simple. Her apartment was even manlier than his.

Elena went to the kitchen as she took a bottle of milk and warm it in the microwave. After some minutes, she pour it to two glasses, one for her and the other for William. She took the glasses to the living room where William sat.

Elena seated herself across her boyfriend. She looked hesitate for awhile before William saw resolution through her eyes. Elena spoke, "I don't know whether i should tell you about this or not, but since you are my boyfriend, i'll let you know everything about me. After i say my pieces, if you want to back off, feel free to do so."

William was slightly incensed by her words. He was in love with her because it was her. He would not break her off because her personal matters. He would never do that and he was extremely sure about his decision. But, William nodded to let her speak.

Elena faintly smiled. "What i'm going to tell you is about my past..."