Are You Jealous?

William drove the car to the theme park, one of the places he included in their itinerary.

William and Elena were silent. Both of them didn't speak or intended to begin the conversation.

After some time, it was Elena who broke the silence. "William, what happened?"

William replied as he surreptitiously glanced her and replied succinctly, "There's nothing?"

"Really?" Elena smirked in amusement. She could clearly felt something sour in the air. Did he jealous because he saw her with Huo Youyou? Hehehe. She decided to tease him. "Oh, there's nothing? Okay. By the way, Youyou will come often to our lab so be civil to him."

William fumed in anger as he listened to her. Youyou? why did she call him intimately? It was just their first meeting but she had called him so intimately. What would she do after their next meeting? Would she become closer to that damn skinny man? A sense of danger crept down William's spine and loomed around him. He wanted to cursed Huo Youyou loudly inside his car. But, because he was still with Elena, he couldn't act that way. He only nodded as if he understood. "Yes. I'll."

Elena almost laughed after she heard William's respond. He was clearly jealous but he act as if he didn't. Moreover, he mantained his poker face while he kept releasing sour feeling. Amused, she wanted to tease him more. "En...darling, next time, if i work overtime, you shouldn't pick me up."

"Why?" William's eyes still focused on the road as he kept listening to Elena.

"Because Youyou lives in the apartment one two floors above my apartment unit. So, we'll go back together."


The screeching sound of the car was too loud as William suddenly stomped on the brake. He looked at Elena coldly. There was anger in his eyes. He asked with flat tone. "You go back together with him?"

Sh*t! Elena cursed as she saw William's frozen look. It was her intention to tease him but should he reacted that way? She cursed herself badly because what she saw right now was William's anger. She replied calmly although her mind was in chaos. "Yes."

William squinted his eyes as ice radiating from him. "Really?" He cupped Elena's face in his hands as he got closer.

Elena was terrified by his expression. She replied as she smile awkwardly. "Hehehe. of course no. I have a boyfriend. Why should i go back with other man?" She freed herself from his hands. She looked out of the window, trying to calm her frightened little heart. Then, she smartly shifted their conversation a "Which amusement park we are going to?"

William didn't answer. He just looked intently at her. He got closed to her all of sudden, hold the back of her head and locked his lips to hers.

Elena eyes widened by his sudden kiss. She tried to resist but she was not strong enough to push him. So, she could only stay still like a statue.

As he sensed Elena didn't reciprocate his kiss, William forcefully invaded her tongue to her mouth. He entwined his tongue with hers, trying to get a respond from her.

After she sensed his tongue that delved deeper into her mouth, Elena responded to him in an unexpected way.

She always refrain herself from physical contact to the opposite sex, included Liu Tang her ex-boyfriend. During their one year dating, she, at most, would only allowed him to kiss her cheek. She had her own reasons to do so.

She was an orphan for years and one of the thing she learned during that time was not to give everything she had to someone unless she was sure that he would reciprocate herself in the same way. She would never stake everything to someone when they were only emotionally related. She would let her boyfriend to touch her if they are legally married because married gave her assurance, at least in a legal way. If she gave herself to her boyfriend he would not take the responsibility after they break up but it was different when she gave herself to her husband. If he left her or cheated on her, she could fight for alimony. In short, she needed an assurance before she engaged herself in an intimate relationship.

But, when William kissed her, she felt something sweet that she couldn't help but to crave more. Not only that, she also felt that his warmth suddenly infused to her body. It was a comfortable and a good feeling.

William felt an undescribable joy with Elena's unexpected reciprocation. He kissed her even deeper.

After some time, both of them finally parted and gasped heavily.

Elena took a deep breth to ease herself. She almost thought she was going to die because of asphyxiation.

William cupped her cheeks as he said. "Good. You have a boyfriend. You should never let any man do the things that your man should do because it's his responsibility as well as his right. Okay?"

Elena leaned to the window in exhaustion and nodded "Okay." Elena kept looking at William when she unconsciously blurted out her thought. "Are you jealous because you see me and him?"

William replied truthfully as he thought he should speak his mind. "Yes."

"If you are jealous, why did you act as if everything is okay?"

William didn't answer. He thought, as a man, he shouldn't express himself for such trivial matters in an obvious manner. But, after he contemplated, he should speak what he had in mind because first, jealousy would become the poison of a relationship in the long term if it was not controlled well so he must tell her clearly that he was jealous. And the second was to prevent any misunderstanding because lack of communication. "Indeed i'm jealous. That's the truth." William paused before he continued. "Elena, may i ask you something?"

Elena pondered for a while before she replied. "Yes."

"We'll be transparent in our relationship. We should never buried or hide everything ourselves. We, we must speak our mind. Even we had talked about this, i just want to remind you and myself that we must communicate properly.

"Understood." Elena replied.

William smiled. He turned on the engine and drive the car to the first place of their itinerary.