Silent Confrontation

Saturday Morning, UDI Lab

It should be a holiday for Elena but she was forced to come because someone wanted to see her and Key on short notice.

Elena was alone in the office room. Key should also come with her but he used his 'senior privilege', forcing Elena to come despite it was her holiday.

"Excuse me." Elena was texting William when she heard someone greeted from the door. She looked up and found there was a handsome man, probably around the same age as her stood near the door. He wore silver framed spectacle and don white t-shirt and grey chino pants. "Come in." Elena stood as she walked over to the sofa nearby and beckoned the man to sit on the sofa.

The man nodded. He introduce himself before he sat across Elena. "My name is Huo Youyou. I'm here to personally ask the result of the examination." Then, he extended his hand.

Elena shook Huo Youyou's hand and said, "I'm Elena Kim." She paused for a while then continued as she seated herself. "We have already sent the report to the police department. Why do you come personally for it?"

"Because i want to hear it personally from the medical examiners involved."

"The content of the report is what we saw during the examination." Elena replied succinctly. She was dead tired from working. She needed a good rest and fortunately saturday was her day off, but why did the man in front of her ruin the chance? If she were at home, at least, she had more time to sleep until William picked her up. "I'll explain it to you briefly. The victim's body was full of antemortem wounds, the wounds that were inflicted to his body before he died. There was a large X cross that spread over his chest that led to a massive bleeding. But, he didn't die because of it instead he died because the brain hemmorhage. He must be hit by a blunt object on his head. His genital was missing and it was cut cleanly. It is very possible that the murderers must be very proficient in knife skill. We also found a DNA under his nails. Specifically, we found it under the fingers of his right hand. The..." Elena spewed out the result they found to Huo Youyou in details.

After about an hour, Elena had told him everything about the result and had also answered all of his inquiries. "So, are you satisfied?"

"Yes." Huo Youyou nodded as he smiled gratefully.

Elena squinted her eyes. Huo Youyou smile was blinding but it was not as potent as William's. Eh, William?

Elena patted her forehead with her hand in realization. She looked at the screen display of her phone. It was already 9.30 AM. She felt a little panic because earlier, she sent message to William that she was in the lab for work and would probably finish at 09.00 AM. But, Elena totally forgot about it as her professionalism snapped into her and let her immersed herself into her work.

Elena looked at the other icon on her phone. There were also some message notifications that was sent almost an hour ago. Well, she didn't realize it because she used silent mode to her phone. It was her habit when she work.

Elena stood up and grabbed her bag before she said to Huo Youyou. "Then, i'll go first." Elena hurriedly went out of the office room while thinking so hard how to apologize to William.

Huo Youyou followed Elena as he didn't have anything to do. He walked out and offered Elena a ride. "Where do you want to go? Let me send you!"

Elena looked at Huo Youyou and was about to answer when she heard a sweet yet sexy voice called her. "Baby..."

Elena shifted her gaze to the source of the voice. Her body froze soon as she saw who called her earlier.

To the othe people, the sweet and sexy deep voice was so pampering but, what she heard was not like what people thought instead, it was like a bell from hell that rang, reminding her of the predicament she would face soon.

William stood as he leaned on the bonnet of the car. He was so excited about their date so he came to UDI Lab half an hour earlier than Elena's promised time.

He patiently waited for her and ocassionally sent her text messages but to his dismay, she didn't reply it.

He decided to keep waiting for her. His eyes were lit up when he saw Elena's figure gradually appeared into his line of sight. He was about to call her when he saw a handsome man followed after her and offered her a ride.

Fire rose within himself as he felt jealousy slowly eroded his mind. He just want to beat that man for hitting on his girlfriend but fortunately, he could tamper it down. Still drowned in jealous, he called Elena with pampering tone as sweet as possible. "Baby..." William used their endearment name because he wanted to stake a claim of Elena. The woman you offered a ride is my girlfriend you assh*le!

William walked over and embraced her tightly. " Baby, i miss you."

Elena stunned by his action but she didn't think too much because William was always like this.

After a moment, William released her and looked at the man. "Hi, I'm Elena's boyfriend, William Park." He enunciated the word 'boyfriend' to emphasize the relationship between him and Elena. She is his girlfriend. She is his!!!

Huo Youyou sensed something amiss in the air as he replied, "I'm Huo Youyou. I'll just come here for a report. Probably we'll see each other often." It turned out that Hui Youyou felt jealousy in the air. Probably William thought he was trying to hit on his girlfriend after he offered his girlfriend a ride while actually he did it purely, without any ulterior motives. Inwardly, Huo Youyou smirked in amusement so he decided to tease him a little bit by saying that they would meet often.

Instantly after he heard Huo Youyou sentence, William frowned as the temperature plummeted several degrees. They will see each other often? Does it mean that he would frequently come here to see Elena? When he thought about it, William just want to yell at Huo Youyou and beat him up.

Elena finally sensed the silent confrontation between the men. She hold William's arm as she politely said, "We'll go first Me. Huo."

Huo Youyou nodded. He saw William helped Elena and walked around to the driver seat afterwards. He stared at the car until it disappeared from his sight.

'It's amusing' Huo Youyou thought. He decided to tease William more in the future.