
Captain Ling was standing near the window of his office room. He looked out of the window and gaze up, looking at the white clouds that was now orange-golden color upon the sunset light. The clouds drifted away along with the wind. The light of sunset left glimmers of golden light that penetrated to the office room, basking it with dim light.

Captain Ling closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. After some breaths, he whipped his phone out from his pants pocket and scrolled down his contact numbers before he dialed a string of numbers.

He waited for some seconds before a boisterous and vivacious voice answered. "Hello Junior Ling, What's up?" The voice from the other line was too loud that Captain Ling distanced his phone from his ear. After some endless chattering from the man, Captain Ling began speaking seriously as he stated why he contacted the man on the other line. "Senior Mo, I've something to request."

The man from the other end, Senior Mo became serious after he heard Captain Ling's voice that was tinged with urgency. The moment Captain Ling spewed out the word 'request', his playful attitude was replaced with seriousness. His junior, Captain Ling was an independent officer. Captain Ling did everything by himself as long as it was within his capability. There were many time he, as his senior, offered his help over certain matters yet the other party turned his offer down politely.

As long as his mind didn't fail him, Captain Ling asked his help for three times. And in those three times, the situations were sticky and the gravity of problems were too complicated and complex.

He knew Captain Ling would never opted to ask for his help unless the situation was grave. "What do you want to ask?"

Captain Ling replied, "I want you to lend me [White]."

Senior Mo didn't ask. Instead, he spoke to Captain Ling about why he wanted [White] to help him. "Is it because the online post recently?"

"Yes." Captain Ling admitted.

"Ok. Just wait for the follow up." Then, Captain Ling heard a beep, indicating Senior Mo had cut off the phone call.

Captain Ling stood still. Initially, he didn't want to ask [White] help because he didn't know the other party at all. If he was clueless about [White], he would probably risk and still ask for [White]'s assistance. But, after years being told by his senior about how wild [White] was, he couldn't act rashly. His senior subtle influence made him unconsciously believed that [White] indeed was like what his senior described. Although the other party was working together with them, he couldn't really believe him a hundred percent.

The situation they were now was quiet grave and probably would affect the police as a whole. Although the damage was still within a controllable range, he had to obliterate the threats as soon as possible. Moreover, the situation was caused by their failure to catch the murderers. So, they had to clean everything up before the higher ups protested and sacrificed them as the scapegoats.

As much as he didn't want to admit this, a reality was in fact cruel. The police was like the other organization where power struggle happened subtly or explicitly. Anyone could become a friend or foe depending on the circumstances. Because of that, from all the higher ups he knew, he could only trust his Senior Mo. The bond that formed over years of working together made him had a firm believer of his senior. He trusted his senior would never do despicable thing like sacrificing them as the scapegoats.

What made Captain Ling afraid was the fact that the online post's reactions was on the verge of being uncontrollable. The public started to side with the other party and bashed the police. If it was left as it was, the situation would turn worse before they could salvage it. Furthermore, he didn't know whether the one who created the online post would launch another attack or not.

So, although he felt reluctant, he had no other choice but to ask [White] assistance. He could only hope that the other party would not be as unreasonable as what his senior said.


Elena had just returned to her apartment. Her face flushed red as she touched her swollen lips. She covered her face with her hands when she remembered what had just happened ten minutes ago.

William became Elena's driver as usual. He sent her back to her apartment. They were in the parking lot of her apartment building. Elena got down from the car as she said, "She you tomorrow Darling."

William didn't answer. He unfastened his seat belt and he got down from his car as well. He walked towards her as he took her hand naturally and replied, "Let's go." He went into the elevator with her and pressed the fifth floor button where Elena's apartment was located.


Both of them arrived at the floor. He walked her to her door as he said reluctantly. "Baby, see you tomorrow." His expression was forlorn, like a boy who would not see his crush for a long time. He pouted his mouth like a boy whose toys were taken away by his mom.

Elena laughed the moment she saw his expression. His expression was so cute that it lifted her mood after being exhausted for working the whole day. Suddenly, she pecked his cheek and coaxed him. "We'll see each other tomorrow okay?"

William eyes widen when a fleeting feeling of her soft and warm lips on his cheek. Unsatisfied by her peck, he requested, "May I kiss you?" Well, William was quiet a good boy. Although Elena was his girlfriend, he couldn't rashly do everything he wished without her consent.

It was all began at the time when he realized he had kissed her several times without her consent. In all honesty, when he thought about it, the fear within him rose. What if Elena displeased with his touch and break him up because of her displeasure? Considering her past relationship, it was highly possible. So, he decided to act carefully and would ask her permission whenever he wanted to had a skinship with her. Not only to prevent Elena's displeasure, he did that to give her the respect she deserved because before the fact she was his girlfriend, she was an individual, a human and a woman at that.

So, he had to behave on a certain boundary. As much as he wanted to act wilfully, he could never do that to her. She was the woman he loved so he had to give her the respect and everything she deserved.

Elena was flabbergasted by his request. Did he just asked her consent? She looked up and touched his forehead. She took her hand off from his forehead before she touched it again. He didn't have fever. What had happened to him?

William saw his girlfriend was in daze. He asked worriedly. "What happen baby?"

Elena was still in her thought. She blurted out unconsciously. "What happen to you? Why do you suddenly ask my consent?"

William smiled. He knew she would ask this question. He truthfully replied, "Because I want to give you the respect you deserve."

Elena had returned to her consciousness. She heard his answer and her heart moved immediately by his words. She felt she would melt anytime soon when she heard his confession. In the novels she read, most of the male lead would overbearingly force themselves to female lead and she was afraid that it would happen to her. Yet, it seemed that it won't happen to her.

She didn't know he spoke the truth or not, but, seeing his serious expression she could tell that he meant every words he said. Elena nodded and said, "You can."

Without waiting for anything, he hold the back of her head and kissed her deeply. His tongue invaded her mouth and taste every inch of the sweetness in her mouth.

They kissed until they gasped breathlessly. William eyes were sparkling as he pecked her lips and said, "See you tomorrow."

Elena's mind was in disorientation when she saw William's figure that gradually disappeared from her sight. She stood still on her front door as a stupid smile plastered on her face.

Back to the present, she put off her clothes and went to the bathroom to shower. She put her phone on the table in the living room.

Her phone screen lit up and rang loudly. Elena who had just turned the faucet on to fill the bathtub jolted when she heard her ringtone.

It was a ringtone she set for her friend. If he called her, there must be something weighty happened. She swiftly accepted the call. "Hello Little Mo?"