Little Mo

The one from the other end grunted when he heard her called him Little Mo. Although he had heard that endearment for so many years, he still couldn't get used to it. He really wanted to smack her head but he couldn't. He was in no position to do that because currently he needed her help. "Elena, I need your help." Little Mo was one of a very few people who knew Elena's identity as [White].

He met her seventeen years ago.


Little Mo was on the verge of breaking down because a serial murder case had taken place in the Long Town, a small town located several hundred miles away from the Imperial City. The evidence he got always led him to a dead end.

To his dismay, the situation at that time was not at his favor. The higher ups kept pressing him because he was the leader of the Investigation team. Moreover, public attention was on the case and they started to speculate the police incapability in catching up the murderer. So the higher ups urged him to move quicker.

Unable to free himself from the pressure, Little Mo who was only 25 years old at that time went hiding to a playground near an orphanage.

There, he cried silently as he couldn't take any more pressure. Since he was still a kid, he was a clumsy boy who could not be pressured. His occupation as a police was a combination between his father order and his talent.

His father was a police officer so when he saw Little Mo extraordinary talent in investigating things, he influenced his son to follow his footsteps. Little Mo at that time was still young so he only nodded in agreement with his father words. So, since he was young, he was trained by his father to become a police officer. By the time he realized about this, everything was too late for him to back off. He couldn't never say no because his father was a dictator. For the sake of keeping his family intact, he had to sacrifice himself. Moreover, at that time he had no dream to achieve and the police was not a bad choice for him. So, he just let everything go as it was.

He knew being a police was not easy but he forgot that police was also an organization. A place where political struggle for power occured. He was pressured by the higher ups because they wanted to save their faces and their positions, not police as a whole. The public scrutinized the police since the beginning of the case. If they failed to solve the case, they would definitely lose their reputation which was equal to everything they had and they would have. It was because reputation in political world was the major determinant. A party would only work together with the others when they had great, untainted reputations.

Under the bright red sliding for kid, a big - bear like man in dark clothes who was burying his head in his knees made a huge contrast. Fortunately it was almost raining so there were no people in the playground, at least that was Little Mo thought.

The rain was falling lightly but it gradually pouring as the time went by. Little Mo raised his head as he outstretched his hand to feel the trickling water that kept falling down. His thought flew back when he was still a young boy playing under the rain with his parents. He cried once again as the memories resurfaced.

He was immersed in his world, unaware a little figure slowly walked to him.

The little figure stood right in front of him, holding a black rainbow and had a black backpack on her shoulders as she pointed her index finger to Little Mo who was still sobbing. She said in ridicule. "Weak!"

Little Mo looked up and saw a little figure pointing at him with her flat and expressionless face yet he could vaguely sense sadness from her eyes. He wiped his tears and looked menacingly at the little figure in front of him.

His look would work every time he used it on his subordinates. But, his menacing gaze coupled with red and swollen eyes was funny. He was like a wronged wife whose husband was cheating on her.

Instead of terrified, the little figure smirked. Her taut, icy face cracked. She cover her mouth with her hand to prevent giggle coming out of her mouth. After that, she flatly said, "You are so weak. See yourself. You are a grown man, a bear man at that. No matter what has happened, be strong."

Little Mo silly stunned after he heard her words. He thought she would continue to ridicule him. What she did was out his expectation. Was she a sage? A life guru? Why did she suddenly console him? He cleared his throat and straighten himself. He sat cross legged. No matter how ugly he was, he had to retain his image as a police, especially in front of a young girl. His voice was raspy after crying then he pointed the space in front of him. "Sit down."

The little girl obediently sat down across him. She looked up at the bear in front of her and asked, "Why are you crying here?"

"Why are you asking about this? Why don't you ask about why i cry?" Little Mo was dumbfounded by her question. He thought she would continue to console him after her wise words earlier. But he was totally wrong. In this point, Little Mo didn't realized that he was asking a young girl to comfort him.

"I'm not interested." The young girl replied dispassionately. "You take my space. Go away from here after the rain stop." She ordered him like a king ordered his subject. Her words were overbearing yet her still immature voice only made her threat useless.

This place was hers. She would come here whenever she remembered her parents. Her parents ever brought her to a playground when she was four years old, three months before their disappearance. She would reminisced her happy time with her parents when she was here.

Little Mo glared at the little girl. How could she order me, someone older than her to go away? He replied childishly, "No, I won't. This space is mine from now on."

The young girl face froze after hearing his reply. She took something out of her bag. It was her black notebook. She uncapped her pen and asked, "What is your name?"

"Huang Mochen." Little Mo answered reflectively. He didn't feel the kid in front of him threatening so he gave her his name.

The girl wrote his name down. She also wrote some notes on her notebook. He could read that she was writing the conflict between them and the date it happened. The young girl said. "Just wait. I'll revenge you." She put her notebook and pen in her bag. She took her umberella from the ground. She said threateningly. "Just wait tonight."

Little Mo didn't take her words seriously. She was still a kid. What could she had done to him an adult?

It was what Little Mo thought.

Late at night when he returned home, Little Mo turned on his computer. He logged in to his social media account when his phone beeped continuously. He read some messages from his phone.

"Huang Mochen, what happen to you? Why are you crying?"

"Huang Mochen, I Have never thought that you are such a cry baby."

"Come to me Little Mo. This sister will comfort you."

"Hahaha. Our might Huang Mochen is able to cry."

"Call him Little Mo from now on okay? Little Mo don't cry. Here's a lollipop for you."

Little Mo a.k.a Huang Mochen didn't understand what happened. He asked one of his friend and stunned after he heard his friend's revelation. He quickly signed into his account and saw a photo of he was crying like a kid under the sliding. There was a caption under the photo. "Uahhhh...I'm so sad. Anyone, please comfort me. Please hugged me. Little Mo need your comfort."

Huang Mochen embarrassed by what he saw even the one in the frame was himself. He swiftly deleted that post but he couldn't delete it. He thought his computer freeze so he refreshed his computer again and again. After continously doing that action for several time, he could not delete it. He frowned in disbelief.

His mind pondered as he thought about what could possibly happened. Had he offended someone lately? He had no recollection about it when a certain little figure flashed in his mind. His eyes went wide open when he remembered what she said. "Just wait tonight."

Was she really the one who did this? He decided to come to that place tomorrow. Although he worried that his image would be unsalvageable, he could not do anything. He was too lazy to reply everyone. So, from that night onwards, the nickname 'Little Mo' was officially pinned on him.

On the other part of Long Town, an eight years old kid giggle under the blanket. There were light illuminated the darkness under the blanket. It was a light from a laptop screen. The kid was the young girl Huang Mochen met earlier. She logged into his account and posted a photo of him and wrote a caption.

Her eyes squinted as she satisfyingly nodded, "You deserved it."