Bring William to Meet Little Mo?

Elena's apartment, Midnight

Elena calmed herself down. The thought of [Emperor Monkey] had almost found her greatly impacted her mind.

In these five years, this was the very first time she was almost discovered by him. Fortunately she reacted faster so she was able to prevent herself from being found.

In all honesty, she was panic when she thought about this fact but she tampered her anxiety down. "Little Mo, I've taken it down." She paused before she spat a shocking news to him. "The one behind that online post is probably [Emperor Monkey]. I'll send the report to you." She sent the report to his encrypted email. She was the one who encrypted his every electronic devices and social accounts.

Little Mo's body tensed after he heard her second sentence. He remembered the one she just mentioned. He was too familiar with the other party as he would hear Elena's frustration about how lunatic the other party was.

Elena ever told him that [Emperor Monkey] was trying to locate her after she defeated the other party five years ago. And until now, that lunatic was still persistently trying to find her. Moreover, she also said that [Emperor Monkey] was formidable.

If he was really the one behind it, would everything become more complicated? Seeing how persistent [Emperor Monkey] in chasing Elena's trace for years, he knew that the other party held a great grudge against her. [Emperor Monkey] must have realized the one that confronted him today was [White]. So, would [Emperor Monkey] hold even a greater grudge against her?

Little Mo contemplated for a while as she opened the file she sent before he said to her who was still waiting for his reply on the other end of the line. "Thanks for taking down that post. For now, do not move carelessly." Little Mo realized the gravity of this matter. Elena would be in danger if her whereabout was known by [Emperor Monkey]. "I'll send my men to look after you." His tone was full of finality. He had to ensure her safety. She was his sister, his family and his 'daughter'. He would not let any mishap befell upon her.

"Little Mo, Don't worry I'll..." She had not finished her sentence when she heard Little Mo chided in."If you say you don't need my arrangement and reject it like what you usually do, then just cut our ties." Little Mo actually had offered her to have some of his men to guard her after he found her situation five years ago. But, whenever he proposed that idea, Elena always vehemently rejected it as she said she was still enough to cope up with it. He knew she was stubborn that she would not change her mind even he forced her, so, he finally relented and said to her that he would interfere if things got out of control.

Like what he had expected, Elena immediately rejected his idea. But, after she heard his verbal threat, even she was reluctant, Elena had to agree with his arrangement. She knew he didn't mean it but she also realized that he was indeed worry about her."Ok. I'll accept it, but..." Little Mo asked in fury after the word 'but' coming out of her mouth. Would she protest about his arrangement? Many ideas came up in his brain when he asked, "But what?"

Sensing Little Mo anger, Elena laughed awkwardly. "Hehehe. It's nothing. Actually I'm just afraid that my boyfriend get jealous if I'm surrounded by your men." Her darling William Park was a jealous man after she observed him for a week. He would get jealous to almost everything she fancied. Even she could feel that he would look at her pricey favorite bag that Lily gifted to her with a great animosity. She sighed when she thought about this. This kind of jealousy was good to spice up their new blooming relationship but it would eventually become a toxin in the long term. She decided that she would talk about this when the chance arose.

Little Mo was sipping his coffee. It was midnight but he had that strange habit. Normally, people would not be able to sleep after drinking coffee as the caffeine would prevent them to sleep but it didn't apply to Little Mo. Instead, he could not get a good sleep until he drank a cup of coffee. He spat the coffee he had not gulped down as the word 'boyfriend' registered to his mind. He coughed furiously as he asked in menacing voice. "Boyfriend? Huh? Why I have never heard this? Will this boyfriend of your become a failure like the previous one?"

Elena laughed awkwardly as she truthfully revealed everything. "Hehehe. Little Mo, It's just a week. I want to tell you about this but you are too busy." Indeed, Elena wanted to talk about this matter but Little Mo was too busy handling his works. So, she put that thought in the back of her mind. Then, she remembered this matter when Little Mo proposed to let some of his men to guard her. If she was surrounded by men in front of that jealousy king, would she ask a problem herself? So she spat every details to Little Mo. "He's not like that scum. He's very good. He treated me so well."

Little Mo harrumphed coldly, "Huh. You also said this sentence last time. Bring him this saturday to my house. I'll see him myself."

Elena gulped down her non-exist saliva as she got nervous. Bring William to meet Little Mo?