Little Mo Will Like You

Several days had passed, unknowingly it was already saturday.

Elena walked out of her apartment building with three bulky and scary looking men and saw William was leaning back on the bonnet of his car. "Darling." She called his endearment nickname coquettishly. She squeezed her sweetest smile and walked over. She stood right in front of him and suddenly hugged him.

On the other hand, William didn't surprise with her action. He would usually be the one who initiated skinship yet several days ago she became the proactive one.

He knew why her actions took a sudden turn. But he did nothing as if he was unaware what was really happening. He just played dumb and silently enjoyed her care.


Several days ago, Little Mo sent his men to guard Elena. Elena who had just exited her apartment was speechless when she saw three bulky men stood in front of her door. They wore black tank top and jeans. Their hair were cut in military style and they looked ferocious like what thugs would appear in one's mind. If Elena didn't knew they were sent by Little Mo, she would have probably thought that they were a kind of mafia. She quickly regained her composure as she cleared her throat and said, "When we're out of this building, just follow from the side. There's no need to gather like this. Understand?"

"Yes Miss." The three men replied simultaneously in military standard.

Elena nodded in satisfaction. She walked towards the elevator and pressed the button and stood right in front of it as her mind wandered around. How she would react to William romantic yet corny antics? Would he kissed her senseless like yesterday? She cupped her cheeks that was tinged red.

She almost drowned in her thought when the elevator's ding pulled her back to the reality. She stepped forward when she saw a handsome and tall figure in front of her.

He was William.

He donned a black tailor suit that seemed so perfect on his body. It accentuated his strong and masculine but slender body. His broad shoulders and chest tempted Elena to throw herself to him. His black leather shoes were polished that she could see the blur reflection of the elevator light.

Elena had to admit that this man was too seductive. He just stood still yet it could tempted her. Fortunately, she could restrain herself from doing something that would make her lost her good image. "Good morning darling." She smiled and entered the elevator. She greeted him but he didn't reply. Instead, his cold gaze that full of animosity focused on her back. The temperature plummeted that Elena could feel a phantom of cold. 'What had happened?'

Elena felt strange that he didn't reply her greeting like usual so she followed his line of sight that seemed to be fallen to three bulky figures that was following her. Elena froze when she realized this. She knew what William was thinking. Considering how this jealousy king would be jealous even on some inanimated objects, the scene unfolded in front of his eyes at this very moment had probably drown him in a huge, massive jar of vinegar. Elena instantly spoke as she didn't know what would happen it she didn't cut his fantasy off. "Darling, it's not what you think."

William's cold gaze shifted as he looked at his baby girl. When his eyes landed on her, it became warmer yet he still feigned his coldness. "I know." He knew that she was telling a truth. She was straightforward and honest. Moreover, he loved her very much. So, he was firm that she didn't do anything that stepped the boundary. But still, seeing some strangers walked behind her, he felt uncomfortable. He almost punched those men face the moment he saw them before his baby girl. But he tampered his urge down. He could not do so before she explained what had happening. He didn't want her misunderstand him that he was an overbearing man.

Elena sighed in relief. She knew that he had just restrained himself so she partially explained. "My guardian send these men to guard me."

William raised his eyebrow. His coldness dissipated as the temperature rose back to its initial warmth. "Your guardian?"

"Yes." Elena nodded to confirm.

"Who?" He asked again.

"Little, Police Superintendent Huang Mochen."

William's mind trying to find that name as that name was too familiar. His cold eyes lit up as he said cooly. "I know him. So, he is your guardian?"

"Yes. He has become my guardian since I was eight years old."

"Oh. But, why did he send you so many men? I'm alone enough to guard you." William stated matter-of-factly.

Elena didn't immediately reply as she was arranging the reply she would say. After some seconds, she replied, "I know. I'll explain it to you later."

On the same day, at night, Elena told one of her biggest secret to William that she was [White] the king of hackers in the virtual world. She also explained the reason why Little Mo have her such arrangement.

She expected William would get jealous how those men would follow her like a sticky glue for many days, but his response beyond her calculation. "If it's true, then he had done the right thing." William spoke his mind. As much as he wanted to say that he was jealous, he could never do it. His baby girl safety was much more important than his jealousy.

So, for the next few days, Elena would actively initiate their interaction. She knew that he was still jealous but he just didn't show it. For a jealousy king like him, tampering his trait must take a great amount of energy. She appreciated his effort for prioritizing her well-being over his. So, she decided to become proactive in their relationship.


Elena had told him that Little Mo wanted to see him face to face so William dressed neatly as if he was going to meet his in-laws. Well, on a hindsight, Little Mo indeed her family. His appearance was probably the same in the eyes of others, black suit, black leather shoes as well as neatly combed hair but it couldn't escape from Elena's keen eyes. "Huh, why are you dress like this?" She sized him up from head to toe. He usually didn't wear a watch as he didn't like it but now, it lingered on his wrist.

She looked at his charming and food looking face. She was always mesmerized by his breathtaking face but why his chiseled handsome face seemed brighter and mesmerizing than usual? She pondered for a while before a realization dawned on her mind. "You apply make up?"

William nodded. He admitted that applied a very thin layer of make up. Usually, he had never bothered to do so but he made an exception because he would meet his baby girl soon-to-be his wife family.

Well, he felt nervous although he had not met Little Mo yet, so he had to make an ample preparation and present the best of him. Only with that, he could score a great first impression to Little Mo whom he believed would be the deciding factor in his relationship with Elena.

Elena laughed. she pinched his cheeks as she said, assuring him to calm down. "There's no need to be like this. I believe Little Mo will like you."

William nodded. If his baby girl said Little Mo would like him, then would be it.