Nice to Meet You

Elena and William drove their car to the northern part of Imperial City, to the residence that was solely for high ranked police. After twenty three minutes of driving from Elena's apartment, they arrived at the entrance of the compound.

Before they entered, the security guards asked them to show their identification cards as well as the reason and the residents they wanted to visit. Then, the guards asked them to wait as they phoned to confirm whether the visit of Elena and William was expected by Little Mo or not. Only after they got the green light from Little Mo, they let Elena and William to enter. Elena who was silent during the checking muttered under her breath. "There is no Qian Qian." Whenever Elena visit, Qian Qian, one of the guard who had became her buddy would let her pass without being checked. Unfortunately, the one who was on duty was not him. So she had to go through some 'unnecessary' procedure. Well, this kind of procedure was important but Elena used to get into the compound freely so she would subconsciously thought it was not necessary.

William who was driving heard what she said with his keen ears. He stated in menacing tone. "Qian Qian huh?"

Elena flabbergasted when she realized what she said. She forgot the jealousy king was still beside her. So, she just smile sheepishly as she explained, "He's just a friend darling, a friend."

"A friend?" Elena could sense a tinge of jealousy in his word. She nodded furiously. Her expression was serious. "Just a friend. A friend."

William nodded. His expression got better after he heard her answer. Well, he tried to tamper his jealousy but he didn't want her to call other man's name intimately.

After Elena saw his reaction, she surreptitiously breathed out in relief.

Finally, they arrived at Little Mo's house. Elena walked and entered the house as William followed.

Its design was similar with the other houses in the compound - a typical of military house. The front yard was full of flowers and herbs that it made William surprised. He never thought Little Mo that Elena described 'as big as bear and as scary as thug' would have his yard full of flowers and herbs. He thought this world was full of miracle as Little Mo image in his mind after hearing Elena's description was stern, overbearing and impatient. So, he couldn't think that Little Mo in his mind would do something like this. William was still deep in his thought when Elena dragged him inside the house.

Elena called excitedly. "Little Mo, I..." Elena didn't finish her sentence as she was stunned by what she saw.

William saw Elena suddenly stopped and stood like a statue. He looked at the direction of her gaze, there were two bulky men sat across each otherand three skinny men sat on the sofa nearby, but he found nothing wrong. Well, he could not say it was completely wrong as he saw a familiar face, Huo Youyou. Why would this man be here?

Elena froze because she had said Little Mo's nickname in front of his subordinates. His nickname was his bane that he wanted to forget.

After Elena called him Little Mo for the very first time that night years ago, everyone started to call him Little Mo. Not only his superiors and peers, even his subordinates called him the same way behind his back. They would tease him with this nickname until he was beet red.

He wanted to vomit by this endearment as he found this nickname was a juxtaposition with his big stature. He even shuddered when he thought about this. As much as he wanted them to stop calling him so, he could not do it it. He intended to use his position so he could order them not to call him so out of respect among superior and subordinates, but his rank was not high enough to do so.

He endured that nickname for who knows how long until he could finally free himself from it after years of hard work. He became a superintendent. With his rank, nobody would call him Little Mo any longer. It would be a past he would bury deep down.

Simply to say, unlike the others who become superintendent for power, Little Mo's objective was to get rid that shameful nickname.

A few years had passed and that nickname gradually yet surely disappeared from his life, only a certain annoying person named Elena would call him so and made him remembered this dark past.

To his dismay, the evildoer called him with this cute and sweet endearment and the worse was the fact that she called him in front of his subordinates. His hard built and well mantained image had crumble in front of his subordinates. He could see them covered their mouths, trying to contain their laughter while the bulky mind in front of him turned his head to the side as he smirked.

Little Mo shot a dagger look to Elena. His eyes was on her as if he was saying, "Just wait. I'll count this mishap."

Elena gulped down as she became nervous under Little Mo gaze. His menacing gaze only meant one thing - Little Mo was infuriated. She prayed silently to all Gods she knew so they would rescue her.

William sensed his baby girl frightened expression. What she was afraid of? He decided that he would ask about this matter. Like a hero saving a damsel in distress, his hand hold her waist as he whispered, "I'll help you." Although he did not know what was happening actually, he was, without doubt would help his baby girl

Elena's felt relief when she heard his sentence. Little Mo was scary but William was as awful as him. He was on par with Little Mo. So William would definitely be a helpful hand for her to pass this predicament.

Huo Youyou gazed focused on the couple that walked towards them. He called out. "Elena? William?"

William nodded while Elena smiled as she replied. "Hello Mr. Huo."

One of the bulky man asked the man in front of him after he saw the couple. "Do you know them Senior Mo?"

Little Mo a.k.a Senior Mo replied, "Of course I know them Junior Ling. She was Elena, my daughter and he was her...em, her boyfriend." Little Mo had not approved Elena's boyfriend but he didn't know what status he would introduced him to his subordinates. Though it was hard, thankfully he still managed to squeeze the word 'boyfriend'.

It turned out the bulky man in front of Little Mo was Captain Ling. He came with Huo Youyou and his two other subordinates to ask about [White].

On the day [White] took down that online post, Little Mo informed him about it. After Captain Ling got the information, he asked Little Mo about the one behind that post. After he knew [Emperor Monkey] was probably the culprit, he was suddenly didn't know what to do. He was not well versed in programming field but he knew about [Emperor Monkey]'s terrifying existence in the virtual world. If [Emperor Monkey] was indeed the culprit, didn't it mean that he would ask [White], another genius's cooperation to counter him?

So, he decided to inquire [White] information from Senior Mo. He had come since seven in the morning and it was almost noon, trying to let his senior spit detail about [White] yet his effort was not to avail. This time his senior adamantly reject his request that he could feel that his senior was protective towards [White].

Captain Ling saw Elena and William. He didn't know why the moment he saw them, he felt the two people before his eyes would do something big in the future. He trusted his instinct. He stood up from his seat and walked towards them. He outstretched his hand for a handshake to Elena and said, "Nice too meet you."