

I don't own Akame Ga Kill!

Gilga is heading to Navia's side full speed despite his tattered body.

' Why the hell would she enter the deepest part of the forest? That silly girl! '  Gilga grumbled as he gets closer to Navia.

Near the end of the forest, Navia is currently being faced with the Stinger Cheetah variant. Her left calf is injured because the Cheetah clawed her when she never expected it to. Now, Navia is slowly dragging herself backward as the Cheetah slowly gets close to her, seemingly enjoying the view of prey attempting to run away from itself. The last time a prey did that, the Cheetah played it till death. But this human is daring enough to actually face it head on. Alas, it's the end of this human life because she stepped inside the Cheetah's territory.

Above a tree, Gilga who watches the scene clenches his fist in anger. To think that a lowly beast dares to inflict harm upon his girl! The gal!

Gilga unsheathed Black's Bane and then leaps to the Stinger Cheetah.

" Stay away from my Navia you dirty cat! " Gilga roared as he beheads the Cheetah in one strike with Black's Bane. The cheetah's head tumbles on the ground lifelessly as it's lifeless body keeps twitching.

After decapitating the cheetah, Gilga walks to Navia and then.

* Thwack!

Gilga flicks Navia on her forehead, causing her forehead to become red. Navia hold her forehead as tear drops from her navy blue eyes.

" It hurts! " Navia wailed as she rubs her cherry red forehead. " Why do you flick me? " Navia added.

" Do you even need me to tell you the reason? " Gilga said as he heaved a sigh while sheathing Black's Bane.

" But still, I'm glad you're safe and sound. " Gilga hugged Navia's head while caressing her smooth and silky silver hair. But he forget that his arm is currently damaged because using his Teigu's Trump Card, causing him to retract his arm and hissing in pain.

" Your arms. What happened to them? " Navia asked after she looked at Gilga's arm which is in sorry state.

" Nothing. Just got burnt a little bit. " Gilga said as he forced a smile.

" Mouu! You are too reckless! " Navia said as she pouted while taking out some first aid kit. " But, since you saved me, let me help you apply some first aid. " Navia said bashfully.

" Says the one who overestimates herself and headed into the deepest part of the forest. And I think you are the one who needs to be treated. " Gilga said as he snatches Navia's first aid kit and treats Navia's injured left calf.

" T..Thank you fo-.. Ouch!! " Before Navia finishes her sentence, Gilga tightened the wrap, causing her to squeal in pain.

" No need to thank me. I have to play fair later, so no trying to seduce me like that. Or I'll eat you up later. " Gilga said, causing Navia's face to be red as tomato.

" Please don't be too hard on me. " Navia pleads while fidgeting uncomfortably.

Gilga then disassembles the Stinger Cheetah before carrying Navia in a princess carry and exits the forest together.

One and a half hours later, at the rendezvous point, Tatsumi, Sayo, Navia and Gilga are gathered. Every person there have a backpack containing the materials of the danger beasts they defeated. The people who got injured are Navia and Gilga, who have received the first aid treated.

*sniff *sniff *sniff

Gilga gets close to Sayo and sniffs her.

" G.. Gilga? Wh..what's wrong? " Sayo asked bashfully.

" Sayo. You smells. " Gilga teased as he uses his fingers to pinch his nose.

Hearing this, Sayo blushes and starts protesting. " Well, what do you expect. I fought a Scaled Chameleon and got ambushed by it. Besides... *nag *nag *nag. " And so, Sayo's nagging session begins.

" Hey... guys... " Someone comes out of the forest, and as expected, a weak Ieyasu appears.

" The hell are you doing? " Gilga asked. " Walking leisurely inside the forest? " Gilga added.

" Nah! I got lost and I have travelled the forest for more than one hour. Hahaha.. " Ieyasu said while laughing proudly as he lays on the ground.

Black lines appeared on Gilga's head as he kicks Ieyasu, causing him to fall to the ground, and then stomps Ieyasu right on his face.

" How are you supposed to be laughing and proud of what you just said? Don't you know the basic about how not to get lost into the forest? " Gilga said while still stomping Ieyasu's face.

" Ouch! Well, No one has ever taught me that. " Ieyasu said after Gilga stops stomping Ieyasu's face.

" Goodness! Well, now let's see everyone's prize. " Gilga said and everyone takes out their hunt.

" So, Tatsumi's got an Earth Dragon, Sayo got a Scaled Chameleon, Ieyasu got a Winged Lion and Snake Tailed Tiger and Navia got a Stinger Cheetah, although I have to take it down. " Gilga nodded as he appraises his peers hunts. And then everyone starts explaining how they hunt those danger beasts.

" Well, I guess everyone is doing okay, and as I've promised, whoever manages to hunt Class-1 danger beasts will get a new weapon from me. Ieyasu. Although your hunted danger beasts are Class-2, you hunted two of them simultaneously, so I'll also forge a new weapon for you. " Gilga said, which caused everyone to cheer happily.

" But, I've also promised you punishment should you fail to complete the task I've given. So now I'll pass the judgement. Ieyasu, you've passed the time limit I set, so from now on, I'll let Sayo lecture you about how to not get lost. Is that okay Sayo? " Gilga asked as he looks at Sayo.

" Ehh? Iyaaadaa! So troublesome! " Sayo said as she pouted.

" Pretty please ... " Gilga pleaded while looking at Sayo.

" W... Well, if you insist. But you better reward me after I've finished. " Sayo said bashfully.

" Alright. After you're done, I'll listen and fulfill what you desire. " Gilga whispers in her ears, turning her face beet red this time.

" And as for you Navia. I'm going to personally train you together with Ieyasu. Don't expect any leniency from me. Got it? Navia? Ieyasu? " Gilga asked.

" Y.. yes. " Navia and Ieyasu said in unison while looking down.

" Now, let's head back to the village shall we? " Gilga said after they all finished packing the danger beasts' material into their respective backpacks.

" Wait! " Ieyasu protested.

" What's wrong? " Gilga asked.

" Do you not hunt anything? " Ieyasu asked.

" Of course I hunted something. " Gilga said emotionlessly with monotone voice.

" What did you hunt? To think that there's actually a beast that can hurt you. " Ieyasu asked.

" A Tyrant Dragon and a Nova Dragon. Even though both are just a child. " Gilga said, causing everyone's jaw to drop in disbelief.

" Hahaha. There's no way right? Beating a Class-Super danger beast alone is an impossible feat let alone two Class-Super danger beasts. If you're joking, you sh...." Before Ieyasu finishes his word, Gilga takes out the Tyrant's scale and the Nova's mane from his gigantic backpack.

" ... " Everyone looks at Gilga in either surprise, disbelief, or awe as their jaw dropped to ground.

" Well, let's head back to the village. I need to work on something and also your punishments! " Gilga said impatiently as he heads back to the village and then followed by his other four peers.

After walking for 4 hours, the sun had long set and the moon is almost above their heads. Gilga decided to camp near the lake as his four peers are tired from the hunting they did in this evening.

" Now then, as I've told you. I'm going to forge new weapons for you. So, tell me in advance what kind of weapon you prefer. " Gilga said.

" I want a sword. " Tatsumi said.

" For me, It's an axe. " Ieyasu continues.

" Anything you make for me, I'll treasure it. " Sayo and Navia said in unison and then they look at each other before laughing with their face flushed.

" Fumu. Fumu. Alright. " Gilga nodded as he notes down what he'll be forging using the materials his peers collected in the forest this evening.

" Now, as for your punishments. Ieyasu and Navia. From today onward, you will both fight against each other and train until you manages to land a hit on me. Your time limit is 6 months. If after six month, you both still fail to land a hit on me, then I'll add another punishment. Got it? " Gilga asked and they nod vigorously

After that, Sayo and Navia sleep on the pelt of the Nova Dragon and the meat of the Tyrant Dragon as the bed that Gilga hunted.

" Aaaaa. So waaaaaarm! So fluffy" Sayo said while rubbing her face on the pelt.

" Best quality bed. " Navia mumbles as she sleeps soundly.

Tatsumi and Ieyasu however, sleep on the grass with the pelt of the beasts that Ieyasu hunt as the cushion. They wanted to join the girls on their bed, but got their ass kicked by Gilga before they could crawl to the girl's bed.

Meanwhile, after making sure the two trouble making brats are asleep, Gilga keeps watching out for danger beasts as they are in open plain and night time is the time when the danger beasts are the most active.

Not long after watching, 100 low leveled danger beasts could be spotted from 1 miles ahead. Gilga sighed as he is already worn out after battling the two Class-Super beasts this evening. The current him can probably unleash only 45% of his power due to exhaustion and injury not to mention he's the only one carrying a massive backpack filled to the brim with Tyrant Dragon's materials and Nova Dragon's materials.

" Well, I think I'll let Tatsumi and Ieyasu to be on guard duty later. " Gilga thought as he uses Black's Bane poison to melt the ground around him and his group in circular shape with width of 20 feet and depth of 15 feet, forming a circular safe ground. And there's a bridge that connects the safe ground with the other side with width of 5 feet.

The reason of Gilga particularly making a narrow bridge is so that the beast doesn't come to him altogether, so he can deal with them one by one.

' Using this much poison in one go really drains my stamina. ' Gilga thought as he readies his estoc to fight the beasts.

After an hour, Gilga finished dealing with the last danger beast. The previously empty hole is now filled with danger beasts' corpse.

" Phew. Now, let's... " Before Gilga finishes his word, the Earth shook again, and another horde of danger beasts are approaching them.

" You must be f*cking kidding me! " Gilga cursed.

" Alright. Keep coming! I'mma slay you all! " Gilga said as he unsheathed Black's Bane and confront the beasts hordes throughout the night.

In the morning.


" Ah! What a nice sleep. " Sayo said as she stretches, puffing her B-cup petite chest.

" Um! Nothing beats sleeping after a long travelling. " Navia nodded in agreement as she rubs her sleepy eyes.

" Huh? Why's there pit around us? " Tatsumi asked while also rubbing his eyes.

" Maybe we're still dreaming. Ouch! " Ieyasu said, and then followed by a cry in pain because Gilga lands a kick on his back.

" Still thinking that this is just a dream? the you can continue dreaming! " Gilga grumbles. The surrounding of his eyes is black, making him looks like a panda.

" What happened to you? You didn't sleep last night? " Sayo asked.

" How can I sleep when there are hordes of beasts attacking at night? " Gilga shakes his head and then heaved a sigh.

" Then why didn't you wake us up? " Navia asked.

" You all are sleeping soundly. How would I dare wake you up? " Gilga said. " Anyways, let's hurry up and head back to the village. I want to sleep on my comfy bed already. " Gilga said, and then the group travels for another 5 hours before reaching the village.

After arriving at the village, Gilga stores the danger beast materials that him and his groups gathered into the warehouse before sleeping soundly in his house.

Gilga then spends 5 months forging equipments for his peers and training them and continue administering Navia and Ieyasu's punishment.