

I don't own Akame Ga Kill!

5 months and 30 days have passed since Gilga and co arrived at the village. A lot has happened. Gilga had built a new small house for Navia to stay, warded off danger beast horde, trained his peers and forging weapons. And finally, Gilga finished forging sone weapons for himself and his peers. In front of him, the six weapons is arranged tidily.

For Tatsumi, Gilga melted the Earth Dragon's nail, bone and fang, and then imbuing it's core into those sword. The 3,5 feet long sword has grayish color with red circular pattern on it. the sword is somewhat thick (around 3 inches), resulting it's terrifying durability. The edge of the sword is sharpened as it can be used to hack down a tree easily, despite it is very thick. The feature of the sword is that it can spin with a shocking speed of 20000 RPM ( probably 10 times the speed of the fastest drill ). It can be used to drill the ground like how an Earth Dragon can dig the ground. He bestow the name " Cave Creating Sword, Lird. "

For Ieyasu, he melts and then forms two axe heads which are made by using the bone, half of the skull ( Gilga split the skull into two which is the front and the back part ) and claw of the beasts and then . After that, Gilga connects the axe head with the skull of the beast before connecting it with the 6,7 feet handle which is made using the leftover bone of the beasts. As the finishing touch, Gilga uses snake as ornament by connecting it at the eye of the axe head. The axe has a gravity altering property, albeit only applies for itself, which can make it either light or heavy, extremely durable, extremely sharp and extremely destructive if used correctly. The double axe is bestowed the name " Absolute Destruction, Grarl. "

For Sayo, Gilga decided to make a 5 feet scythe with a one foot long spearhead using the materials of the Scaled Chameleon. The halberd can change color and blend in with the environment. The handle also has a special property of the chameleon that allows it to elongate and shorten in an instant. Because of the weapon's ability to silently claim the foe's life, the weapon thus is named " Life Claimer, Reaper Halberd. "

For Navia, Gilga forged two 2.5 feet daggers for her. One is pure black dagger with scorpion emblem on it's blade and black orb on the handle, the other one is a pure white dagger with cheetah emblem on it's blade and yellow orb on the handle. The black dagger, as the emblem implies, has a potent paralyzing poison, able to paralyze even a Class-Super beast albeit only for 2 minute except Tyrant Dragon with it's superbly illogical adaptability. While the white dagger , as the emblem implies, let the user integrate with it, receiving tremendous speed boost. The black dagger is called " Black Thorn, Aeon " and the white dagger is called " Fast Beast, Juba. "

For himself, Gilga made himself a 4.5 feet white fiery sword with chains on the end of the grip as an ornament. It's made out of the combination of the Tyrant Dragon and the Nova Dragon. The sword act as a key to summon a golden fiery winged armor which posses both the illogical adaptability and regeneration from the two dragons. The name of the armor is " King of Wrath, Tyrant Nova. "

The last weapon is a sword similar to Incursio's key, but the color of this key is black whereas Incursio is white. The key which is used to summon a black armor, is also made for Tatsumi. By shouting the armor's name, the armor will be donned automatically. Though the name of the armor is Black Incursio, it's model is similar to Grand Chariot, but the difference is it has spiked shoulder guard, dark blue gauntlet and crimson red knuckle. Made by using the same Tyrant's material, which allows the armor to evolve with the user's emotions and situation, befitting the name of " Black Dragon's Demonic Armor, Black Incursio. "

Gilga nods with satisfaction at the six weapons. Gilga then takes Tyrant Nova and sheathes it as he heads to meet his four peers at the field.

In the field, currently Ieyasu and Navia are facing each other. Both of them are using wooden weapons. Ieyasu with his beloved wooden axe, while Navia with her wooden daggers. Sayo is on the side as the spectator while Tatsumi is on the field as the referee.

Navia looks like she is being pushed back by Ieyasu's attacking, but Gilga fully know that Navia is using her daggers masterfully to fend off Ieyasu's attack while looking like she's in disadvantageous position hoping that Ieyasu to let his guard down.

Ieyasu however doesn't slow down, but getting faster and stronger with each blow. But Navia keeps fending off Ieyasu's blow steadily.

" Comparing them 5 months before and now, I must admit that they've improved. " Gilga said with satisfaction by looking at Navia and Ieyasu's match while sitting beside Sayo.

" Of course they've improved. They've been training even after their usual training time, not to mention, everytime after they sparred, they also pointed out each other's mistakes and weak spots too. " Sayo said. " And not only Ieyasu and Navia have improved. Me and Tatsumi also have a lot of improvements! " Sayo added with a gleeful smile while puffing her chest.

" Yes. Yes. Sayo has been working hard this past few months. " Gilga said while patting Sayo's head, causing her to blush, while he is still looking at the epic clash between Ieyasu and Navia.

Now, they have switched position with Navia overwhelming Ieyasu with her speed. She does continuous combo such as stabbing, slashing, elbowing, kicking and kneeing in amazing speed. Ieyasu could block almost all of her moves, but as fast as he is, Navia is on a whole different level than Ieyasu. After a few moments, Ieyasu is pushed back by Navia and he falls to the ground on his back.

" The winner is Navia. " Tatsumi declared.

" Good fight. " Navia said.

" Yeah. Never thought that you'll grow that much in five months. " Ieyasu said.

" Hehe. It's because of everyone's help that I've become even more stronger than before. " Navia said with a gentle smile.

" Hooo. Stronger eh? How about letting me assess your growths? " Gilga asked as he heads to the field while cracking his knuckles.

" Eh? Gilga, you're here? " Navia asked cheerfully.

" Yeah. And now, today will be the last day of our deal at the forest that time. If you fail to land a hit on me this time, I'll add another punishment for the two of you. " Gilga said as he stands on the field, facing both Ieyasu and Navia. " Both of you come at me. If one of you manages to land a hit, then both of you passes. That's IF one of you manages to land a hit on m.. " Gilga added with a smirk. But before Gilga finishes his last sentence, Ieyasu leaps behind Gilga and swings his wooden axe.

" Heee. Surprise attack? That's so unlike you Ieyasu. Although in a good way. " Gilga complemented while doing a sidestep, dodging Ieyasu's axe by a small margin.

" Why thank you. You've told me that my attacks are too straightforward, so now I'm going to fight in a not so straight way. Today, the new great Ieyasu-sama has been born! " Ieyasu declared.

" Fumu. You've certainly improved. But sneak attack needs not only speed, but also... " Gilga spun and land a kick on Ieyasu's back, causing Ieyasu to fall on his face. " the ability to coat your presence, so your target doesn't have any chance to counter. " Gilga added as he used his wooden sword to counter Navia's slash that's coming from his back.

" Wha... " Navia exclaimed in surprise.

" You've done great in sneak attack, but I'm extremely sensitive to sound, so mind your step. " Gilga said as he grabs Navia's hand and do a shoulder throw, slamming Navia to the ground, although Gilga does it without exerting more strength in order to reduce the damage that Navia suffers after the throw.

" Argh! " Navia cried out as she gets thrown to the ground.

" Navia-chan! " Ieyasu called out as he leaps towards Gilga with an overhead swing. Gilga then dodges Ieyasu's strike, but Ieyasu's attack doesn't stop there as he swings his axe upward to hit Gilga. Gilga again, dodges Ieyasu's attack, but to his surprise, Ieyasu doesn't do a full swing above, but he does a half swing instead and then he swings his axe to Gilga's body.

" Heee... A marvelous fake, but it's still not enough. " Gilga sneered as he used his wooden sword to block Ieyasu's strike.

" Wha... Even that doesn't work? " Ieyasu exclaimed in surprise.

" Hehehe. C'mon. Navia. If you want to use your Shingu, then feel free to do it. " Gilga said. " Otherwise you won't be able to land a hit on me. " Gilga added.

" Humph! " Navia then activates her Shingu, causing her lower part to morph into Forest Runner's legs. " Don't blame me if you get hurt. " Navia said as she crouched down and then whizzed. She leaps to Gilga with tremendous force and speed as she swings her leg to Gilga.

" Heh. " Gilga sneered as he dodges Navia's attack.

" No way. Even at that speed, he can still react and dodges perfectly? " Navia exclaimed. ' Must be luck! ' Navia thought as she keeps leaping and trying to kick Gilga, but resulted her attacks being dodged perfectly.

" Well, you've certainly gotten faster, but your attacks are too straight and predictable. That's what I've been telling you these months. " Gilga said as he keeps dodging Navia's kicks.

" Urgh! " Navia grunted as she continues her assault.

" Don't forget that the great me is still here! " Ieyasu said while swinging his axe.

" I never forget. " Gilga said while catching Ieyasu's axe with his finger.

" That's it! The match's over! " Tatsumi declared.

" What? Why is the match over? " Gilga exclaimed.

" Ieyasu manages to land a blow on you, thus ending the match. " Tatsumi answered.

" But I caught it. " Gilga said while making a pinching motion with his finger.

" And that's why you lose. You catch his axe, which is a blow from him. you catching his axe is receiving a blow from him, though . " Sayo explained.

" Ehh??! No fair! I don't know there's this kind of rule! " Gilga protested.

" Do you not want us to win Gilga? " Navia asked sadly.

" No. No. I mean. Argh. I get it! You win, thus ending your punishment. " Gilga said dejectedly, causing the four to cheer happily.

" Oh. By the way, I have gifts for you all. " Gilga said. " Come to my house. I'll pass it to you there. " Gilga added before heading back to his house with the four.

After arriving at his house, Gilga takes out the weapons and shows them to his peers. All of them look at the weapons in awe.

" Sayo. This halberd is for you. " Gilga said as he passes Reaper Halberd to Sayo.

" This is a halberd? I thought it's a scythe. But anyways, it looks amazing! " Sayo praised as she takes Reaper Halberd which caused Gilga's lip to rise in satisfaction. " Moreover, it's made by you. " Sayo mumbles while she hugs Reaper Halberd with her face flushed.

" Well, this kid's name is Reaper Halberd. It can stretches and retract in an instant. From now on, it's your weapon. " Gilga said, and then Sayo tries the scythe and although she's surprised by the weapon's ability, she nodded with satisfaction.

" Next, Ieyasu. Here's for you. This kid's name is Grarl. It can alter its own weight. So, you can make it either heavier or lighter. " Gilga passes Grarl to Ieyasu.

" Oh! This axe... It's.. It's.. It's marvelous! Just the right size and weight. " Ieyasu said as he swings the axe happily. Gilga nodded then proceed to give Navia her daggers.

" For Navia, Aeon and Juba. The black dagger or Aeon is laced with potent paralyzing poison while the white dagger or Juba allows you to possess the physique of the cheetah while still in human form by saying ' Awaken, Juba! ' " Gilga said.

" Eh? I can turn into a cheetah. Sounds amazing, but how about my runner bracelet then? " Navia asked.

" I don't know. Maybe you can keep it as memento. Because I recommend Juba rather than that runner bracelet. " Gilga said.

" Alright then. I'll treasure both of them. "  Navia said as she hugs Aeon and Juba while her face is as red as tomato.

" Try transforming Navia. " Gilga said, and then without hesitation, Navia clenches Juba and shouted. " Awaken, Juba! "

After Navia shouted, yellow flame spreads from the dagger and covers Navia, which caused Sayo, Ieyasu and Tatsumi to worry about Navia's safety. But the flame didn't even leave any burn mark on Navia's cloth, and her leg slowly turns into that of a cheetah and above her head, a pair of silver colored cat ears sprouted.

' Oh. Not bad! Not bad! Gotta take a photo. ' Gilga thought as he secretly uses his phone to take a picture of Cat Navia.

" H... How do I look? " Navia asked Gilga with her face flushed red.

" Cute and gorgeous. " Tatsumi and Ieyasu exclaimed happily with their face red and their breathing gets heavier.

" Well, you heard them. " Gilga said while shrugging his shoulder. But in reality, he's super excited and he can feel that his little brother is starting to get out of control.

" Humph....! Tatsumi and Ieyasu. You jerks. " Navia pouted as she transforms back to human form with her face still red.

' Cute. ' Gilga inwardly thought.

" Ahem. Well then, for Tatsumi, here. " Gilga said as he takes out the drill sword and black sword.

" Eh? What's that swords? I got a feeling that those sword are something epic, especially that black sword. " Tatsumi said with excitement.

" Hehehe. The first weapon is the Cave Creating Sword, Lird. It's the only sword that can pierce through a mountain rather easily. And this is a key Teigu to summon the Dragon Armor, Black Incursio. By shouting 'Black Incursio', you can don the armor. The armor is adaptability type. Sounds weak, but strong as hell. Maybe it's easy to let you try it yourself. " Gilga said as he passes Lird and Black Incursio to Tatsumi.

Tatsumi first tried Lird as he grabs the handle and stab it to the rock near them. As the sword gets close to the stone, it spins at the speed of 20000 RPM, instantly piercing through the rock without effort. Sayo, Ieyasu and Navia look at Tatsumi in envy and amazement.

After that, Tatsumi tries using Black Incursio.

" Black Incursio! " Tatsumi exclaimed as he puts Black Incursio on his left palm while squeezing it's grip using his right hand.

Black smoke arises and covers Tatsumi's figure. Behind him, Tyrant Dragon image can be seen as it's sucked into Tatsumi. After the fog dissipates, a man wearing jet black armor complemented with black spiky shoulder guard, dark blue gauntlet and red knuckle can be seen.

" Oh! This is amazing! But... I feel kinda tired. " Tatsumi said.

" Well, that's to be expected. That armor, Black Incursio drains stamina on it's usage. The current you can only use it for 5 minutes at most. But if you train harder, using it for hours won't be a problem. And there's also it's hidden abilities that consume even more stamina, so from now on increase your stamina, so you can don Black Incursio longer than before. " Gilga said.

" Alright. " Tatsumi said as he deactivate Black Incursio and revert back to his original form.

" Alright. There's still one month before we head to the capital. Use your time to practice how to control and use your weapons. " Gilga said before heading back to his room. But before he could enter his house, protests come from Ieyasu who only receive one weapon while Tatsumi and Navia possess two weapons. Sayo on the other hand is looking down seemingly in deep thought.

" There's no more materials left. If you want a new weapon, then search for the materials yourself. " Gilga said and leaves them as he heads back into his home.

Ieyasu, Tatsumi and Navia then heads back to their respective house, but Sayo is looking at the front door of Gilga's house. Seemingly decided on something, Sayo heads back home and waited for night to come.