Last Sparring in the Village ( Part 1 )


I don't own Akame Ga Kill!

Tomorrow morning, Gilga awakes while Navia is on his side, still asleep while hugging Gilga.

Gilga smiles as he kisses her forehead while slowly and gently moves Navia away to take a bath. However, Navia wakes up after Gilga moves her.

" Good morning. Do you sleep well last night? " Gilga said to Navia as he smiled.

" G... Good morning. Y... Yes. I slept well last night. Thanks to you. " Navia answered as she covers herself using the blanket, as she's too embarrassed to see Gilga after what happened last night and what she said just now.

" I'm going for a bath. You want to join me? " Gilga offered.

Hearing this, Navia slowly lowered the blanket and after her face can be seen, she nodded shyly, and then without warning, Gilga wraps his hand around her waist and her butt cheek, carrying her to the bathroom to take a bath together.

Currently, inside the bathroom, Gilga and Navia are taking a bath together for the first time. Navia helps Gilga rubs his back as she uses her hand and her peak which stimulates Gilga's brother.

Noticing this, Navia chuckled as she reaches Gilga's brother with her slender hand. But Gilga stopped her, startling her.

" Let's wait till night. " Gilga said as he caught Navia's hand, causing her to blush and nods sheepishly.

After that, Gilga takes turn to rub her back. And after he finishes rubbing her back, Gilga proceeds to thoroughly rub her jiggly peaks, thigh, and butt cheeks causing Navia to moan in pleasure.

" G.. Gilga. D.. Didn't you say to wait till night? " Navia asked, her voice is trembling in pleasure.

Gilga smiled, and them released Navia to clean himself and leaves the bathroom.

" Muuuuu!! " Navia pouted as she also cleans herself and head to Gilga's bed to get changed.

In the field, snow are falling from the sky. Ieyasu and Tatsumi, who are wearing black mantle, are standing there, facing each other while holding their new weapons.  Ieyasu with Grarl and Tatsumi with Black Incursio.

" Black Incursio! " Tatsumi shouted as black fog is released from Black Incursio, covering Tatsumi's figure as he morphed to his armored form.

" Are you done Tatsumi? " Ieyasu asked as he playfully placed his axe on his shoulder. " Well, even if you aren't done, here I come! " Ieyasu added as he ponces towards Tatsumi and swings his axe.

Even though Ieyasu's attack is coming, Tatsumi can clearly see his axe's trajectory, so he used his palms and attempts to catch Ieyasu's axe.

" I wouldn't do that if I were you! " Ieyasu said while smiling, causing Tatsumi to takes a step back in order to evade Ieyasu's strike instead of catching his axe. Ieyasu's axe, missing it's target, lands on the ground, causing the ground to be cratered because of his axe's impact.

' I nearly forget about Grarl's ability. ' Tatsumi thought inwardly as he maintained his battle stance and prepare to welcome Ieyasu's strike.

" Well well, look who's fired up early in the morning! Good! Good! " Gilga, who's now wearing black coat, blue scarf and gloves, said as he arrives at the training ground followed by Navia who's wearing a black coat above her usual white sailor suit, and she has scarf wrapping her neck.

" Osu! Gilga! Osu! Navia! "  Ieyasu said after he senses Gilga's and Navia's presence, which he confirmed after Gilga greets them, while he focuses his attention at Tatsumi as he keeps swinging his axe on Tatsumi who keeps dodging his strikes.

" Morning everyone. " Sayo said as she arrives with black coat above her black sailor outfit while also using scarf covering her neck.

" Eh? What's wrong with you Navia? Is it too cold? And Sayo. What's the matter with you? Last year you didn't wear any scarf when others worn it. Not to mention Gilga too! " Tatsumi asked after fending off a blow from Ieyasu as he looked at Sayo. " Are you all feeling unwell? " Tatsumi added.

" Mind yourself before worrying others. " Gilga said.

" Do you really have the leisure to look at others when you're fighting against someone on your caliber? " Sayo asked while pointing at Ieyasu who swings his axe midway to Tatsumi's head.

" Is dodging all you can do? " Ieyasu sneered with ridiculing tone.

Tatsumi then clenches his fist and hit Ieyasu's axe on the side, redirecting the axe's trajectory which resulted it hitting and splitting the ground again.

" No. Dodging isn't the only thing I'm capable of. " Tatsumi said, but in reality, his fist is trembling from his attempt to redirect Grarl's attract trajectory.

' Urgh! Tatsumi's Black Incursio is so hard. What's more, he easily fend off my strikes easily. How can I get a hit in? Think Ieyasu! Think! ' Ieyasu thought, and then he's hit with sudden inspiration.

Ieyasu leaps toward Tatsumi agaain and does an overhead swing. Tatsumi then again, hits Ieyasu's axe on it's side, but instead redirecting it's trajectory, Ieyasu spun alongside his axe, landing a solid blown on Tatsumi's abdomen.

" Hooo! Not bad Ieyasu. To think that you lighten your axe when Tatsumi's punches it. And using the kinetic force created from the impact, you spun and landed a solid blow. Not bad ! Not bad! " Gilga complimented. " Tatsumi. If not for your armor, you should've been sliced into two y know? " Gilga added in a ridiculing tone while grinning.

" Ahh! It's my loss! Never expected that you'll get used to Grarl in one day Ieyasu. " Tatsumi said as he morphed back to his normal appearance and then he gets close to Sayo and Navia. " Sayo, Navia. Are you both feeling unwell? If so, shouldn't the both of you rest at your house? " Tatsumi asked.

" Nothing's wrong. Besides, it's not only the two of you that wanted to test out your new weapon's ability. " Sayo said.

" Sayo. Do you want to spar with me? " Navia asked.

Sayo who looks at her scarf, secretly glares at Gilga which is trying to say ' You did it with her too last night? '

Noticing her glare, Gilga decides to ignore it by whistling with an ' I don't know what you're saying ' face, causing Sayo to heave a sigh before agreeing to spar with Navia.

On the left side, Sayo is standing there while holding and swinging Reaper Halberd, and on the right side, Navia is doing some warm ups before unsheathing Juma and Aeon.

" Are you two sure about sparring with your scarf on? " Tatsumi asked Sayo and Navia.

" No problem. " Sayo answered as she lowers Reaper Halberd and points it at Navia.

" Same here. " Navia answers as she lowers her stance while holding Juba and Aeon in front her chest.

Both of them are fired up. Upon seeing and noticing that the other party's wearing a scarf, unbeknownst to them, a sense of rivalry arose inside their heart.

" Well, start! " Tatsumi said, and then both Sayo and Navia leaps towards each other.

Sayo attacks Navia by swinging Reaper Halberd from below, which Navia intercepts with Juba and Aeon in crossed position,  stopping Reaper Halberd from reaching her.

" Say, did you do it last? " Sayo whispered that only Navia can perceive. But little did Sayo know that Gilga also can hear what they're about to talk.

" Did what? " Navia whispered back, confused with Sayo's statement.

" Don't play dumb. Gilga pounded you real hard last night, didn't he? " Sayo asked as she added more strength to raise her halberd. Hearing Sayo's word, Navia to blush before she repels Reaper Halberd and steps back.

Sayo however not letting her off, chases her and continues swinging her halberd.

" Yes he did. We had a lot of fun last night. How about you? " Navia asked as she dodges Navia's halberd.

" It's my happiest and memorable time if I say so. " Sayo said while blushing as she keeps swinging her halberd to hit Navia.

' Those two. Are they sparring or sharing right now? ' Gilga thought as he sighs.

" What's wrong Gilga?" Ieyasu, who's resting beside Gilga, asked as he is the one seated closest to Gilga.

" No. Nothing. " Gilga said with a smile.

" I see. Shouldn't we stop fooling around and start getting serious already? " Navia asked as she starts parrying Sayo's halberd.

" What a coincidence! I also have the same thought as you. " Sayo said as she swings her halberd faster and stronger than before. But ended up getting repelled by Navia.

After exchanging around 20 moves, they steps back and creates distances for each other.

" Awaken, Juma! " Navia said as she stretches Juba in front of her chest, covering her in flames. After that, a pair of feline ears sprouted from her hair and her lower part into cheetah.

Despite Navia's transformation, Sayo remains calm as she steadies her stance to confront Navia. Navia then whizzed as she run at an explosive speed of 166 m/s, which is cheetah's max speed. Sayo swings her halberd to hit Navia, but Navia nimbly dodges her strike as she swings Aeon which is aimed at Sayo's right arm. But due to her being airborne after leaping while she's still in her top speed, she missed her target, and she falls on the ground on her face. Sayo not wasting any moment, used Reaper Halberd's ability, causing it to stretch real long and points Reaper Halberd's scythe in front of Navia's right shoulder.

" That's it! Sayo wins! " Tatsumi declared as he raised his hand.

Sayo then steps closer to Navia, and stretches her hand towards Navia while asking " Are you alright? "

" Yeah. I need to learn how to control my speed output. " Navia said as she morphed back to her human form before standing up, but before she could stand, Gilga takes her scarf for her.

" You dropped this when you leaped just now  " Gilga said as he wraps the scarf around Navia's neck.

" Thank you. " Navia said sheepishly. Sayo pouted in jealousy.

' Oi. What are you? A kid? ' Gilga thought as he helps Navia to stand up.

" Alright. Now, who wants to spar with me? I need to warm up. I don't mind fighting against four of you together." Gilga declared.

Tatsumi and the others look at each other before nodding and decided to challenge Gilga altogether.

" 4 on 1? Alright. Come at me with all you've got! " Gilga announced as he distances himself from the four, takes out Tyrant Nova's key and steadies his stance.

" Black Incursio! " Tatsumi shouted and morphed into his armored form.

" Awaken, Juba! " Navia said and morphed into her half feline form.

Ieyasu readies Grarl and Sayo points Reaper Halberd to Gilga.

" Ready or not, here we come! " The four of them shouted and pounces towards Gilga altogether.

' This is going to be fun! ' Gilga grins as his four peers are getting close to him. And so, their last sparring in the village begins.